Chapter 10

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It was late into the afternoon when Adalia woke up, Aether and his floating food pack having long been gone.


"Adalia, you know I do it for your health."

Even food couldn't get Albedo back into her good graces now.

She turned her head whichever direction that wasn't his, arms crossed childishly and pouting like a child.

'A cute child,' Albedo thought.

She took a small peek at him, eyes flickering to and from him.

"It tasted really bad."

'No one would think she's the elegant Magi if they saw her like this.'

Albedo slowly inched closer.

"I understand," He gives a gentle look. "But it's because I worry for you that I do such things."

It makes him feel all fuzzy and warm inside, the notion that he was the only one who had the privilege to see this side of her. Unlike times when he was with Klee, a different feeling than this, he felt a yearning.

It was new to him, this emotion, and he wasn't ignorant to what it was.

He just knew that he enjoyed it.

"The audacity you have to feed me something that putrid and disgusting," Adalia scoffs. "I can't believe you sometimes."

She walks in tiny steps over to the blonde, nuzzling her face into his neck and hugging him tightly, her harsh words contradicting her actions.

Albedo lets out a small chuckle, one arm circling her waist and the other tangled in her soft golden hair.

He shouldn't expect more, knowing that all she sought was comfort in skinship, that she wasn't looking for any romance. He shouldn't be so happy to indulge in such a relationship where he knows won't end up anywhere. It was worse than an experiment he was obsessed with or an idea forming at the back of his mind, where he abandons if the chance of failure was high.

But here he is, dreaming of a woman he can't have.

And he's just a little bit okay with that.


It wasn't even past sundown when Adalia was met with a certain difficultly.

"Well, isn't this a coincidence! The Wandering Magi right here in Mondstadt's walls herself."

She grimaced as the blue haired man walked closer, quickly pulling up a pleasant smile that matched its fakeness with his.

"Captain Kaeya, a pleasure to see you again," She covers her mouth as she giggles, eyes holding a sadistic gleam. "Though, you must have much time on your hands considering there is no cavalry for you to train. Are you still womanizing the female population in Monstadt?"

(You must be such a useless waste to the Favonius Knights right now. They probably don't want you taking up space, so you seduce women when they send you out, huh?)

"You've captured my interest the moment I first saw you, how could I entertain others when you've constantly been on my mind? Though only the senseless wouldn't notice my infatuation." Kaeya smirks. "Now that I think about it, why haven't you come in so long?"

(I'm only here because you're so suspicious in the first place. You're such an anomaly that I have to keep track of you. Now tell me why you're here.)

She walks up to him, patting his cheek with one hand patronizingly. "Your little crush is cute, but I do not think you are serious about this relationship we have. How about Flora's assistant? She seems nice."

(We're not close enough for me to tell you that. Now go obsess over someone else, like the one infatuated with your brother, though you'd unfortunately be second place.)

The look in his eye turns dark as he laughs, knowing what you implied through crafty words.

"What a funny idea, have you ever considered a job as a comedian?"

It seemed as if lightning shot out and clashed between their eyes as they faked a good-natured laugh. The tension so obvious that the citizens avoided the vicinity around them.

"Unfortunately, I work as a healer," Adalia put her hand down. "Your Acting Grandmaster sent a message through Albedo for my presence."

"For what reason." He demanded.

"That...I do not know. All that was said was that the matter was urgent."

Her answer seemed to satisfy him enough.

"Have I answered all your questions now?"

"For now, yes."

"Then get out of my way."

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