Chapter 11

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Adalia often felt unreal, whether it be to herself or others.

This body wasn't hers.

The smile on her face was fake.

And now this world wasn't hers too.

"Miss, the Acting Grandmaster's office is this way."

A guard had tapped on her shoulder.


She turns back with a dazed expression, 'What was I thinking about again?'

At the sound of the door, Jean straightens her posture and tidies her appearance quickly.

"Miss Scheherazade, I see you've received my letter."

The magi glances at the other presence in the room.

"I was not informed of Aether's attendance in this meeting."

"He's quite crucial to what we're about to discuss," Jean's gaze flickers back and forth between the two. "I didn't know you two were acquainted."

"We met while I was visiting Albedo."

Aether coughs into his fist. "We should get back on track."

Jean snaps her head towards him, a look a desperation on her face. Aether doesn't understand why though.

"I want to request your help."


"After the incident with the city being attacked by Stormterror, we've noticed that the Fatui were particularly active during such matters and that they've increased personnel in all other nations' affairs as well."


"As Aether has been travelling to find his sister, I have also requested his help in keeping track of them. Any suspicious activity at all would be of use, but he's too well known and the Fatui are too cautious."

Jean fiddles with her fingers under the desk while Adalia only stares, no emotions shown on her face. This was common, people asking her for favors, but she didn't tolerate this anymore, didn't do anyone thankless work anymore.

A disappointed sigh escapes her and Aether gives her a look of disappointment in return.

"Please accompany the Traveler in his search for his sister, not to help him, but to gather information."

"What will I be compensated by?"

"Not as the Acting Grandmaster, but as Jean Gunnhildr, you have free reign over the method of collecting information......whether it be by torture or simple exchanges. I will also provide funding for whatever expenses that occur, even if it is not for the job I have commissioned."

Adalia noticed that she didn't want the Knights of Favonius implicated.

'A favor from a stranger rather than someone of higher position.'

The gentle smile she used was the same as when they first met.

"Then I, Scheherazade, Magi of Creation, will do my best in order to fulfill this desire of yours."

A curtsy.

Then the almost silent click of a door.

Aether spoke to Jean. "I don't understand why you had to curry favor with her."

Jean had a faraway look in her eyes.

"She stopped Klee from destroying the rest of the Stormbearer Mountains...."

"Paimon is sorry, but Klee WHAT???"

"I'm pretty sure that one drunk old man told us this already though."


"Paimon didn't think we'd have to climb back on this mountain..."

Aether only shivered along with his companion in response.

He grew a little resentful of the Magi, distrust in how unclear her motives are, but when he makes it up to Albedo's lab, he sees a sight that makes him doubt the notion.

The alchemist is writing notes at his desk with the usual clutter of papers and bottles, on his lap is Aether's soon-to-be new addition to them team sleeping with her head resting on Albedo's shoulder. She looks peaceful and harmless, deceivingly beautiful.

"Traveler, good to see you."


"What are you here for?"

A blunt unusual lack of interest in Aether.

"Scheherazade," Aether notices the slight grimace at her "name" from him. "She agreed to Jean's request for help."

Albedo is tempted to give his friend a nasty glare, but opts for a disinterested look as he whispers for her to wake.

"Adalia..." He pats her back gently. "Aether's here to pick you up."

He makes her sound like a child.

But it works and she stirs awake.

"Oh.....apolo-," She yawns with a hand covering her mouth. "-gies, I do not sleep much so...I hope you can understand."

"Paimon doesn't get why you're sleeping so late into the afternoon." An accusatory tone sprouts from her.

This time, Albedo doesn't hold back in throwing a sharp stare.

Paimon lets out a small 'eep' before hiding behind Aether.

"Unless you have difficulty comprehending from the last time you visited, she doesn't get sleep and needs a potion to help her do so."

Unusually aggressive.

Aether wonders why all the people who've met her have become unusual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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