So Unicorn

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At Hummel's House
In Kurt's Room

Jamey was on Kurt's bed while Brittany and Kurt are standing in front of the bed. There are pink posters and unicorn hats everywhere. "Okay. We're going to make 100,000 copies of each poster." Brittany said to Kurt showing him the posters. "And then, we'll give each student a swag bag full of this..." Brittany said to him while she shows him a bunch of trinkets. "We're going to call it Kurt Hummel's bulging pink funsack." Brittany said to him. "I - you know I don't know what to say." Kurt said to her while Jamey picks up the gay flag. "That happens to me all the time. My lips move but only dust comes out." Brittany said to him. "You know, I appreciate the enthusiasm but, you know what? It's just all wrong. I think it's just, you know, a tad too -" Kurt said to her. "Unicorn?" Brittany said to him. "Gay. I feel like I might as well have a big neon sign above my head that says "Gay diddy gay di gay gay gay." Kurt said to her. "I mean, I'm gonna need a long extension cord but I love it!" Brittany said to him. "I'm joking." Kurt said to her. "Well next time you make a joke nudge me in the ribs or like, honk a horn or something." Brittany said to him. "Look, I don't just want to be know has Kurt Hummel: Homo." Kurt said to her. "What's wrong with that? Look - 99% of the kids at school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad - he gets the job, but he doesn't represent the people. That's why we need a unicorn." Brittany said to him. "And I agree with the sentiment. I just want something, you know, toned down a tad. I came up with a campaign poster too. Okay?" Kurt said to her. "Okay." Brittany said to him and Kurt takes out his campaign poster and shows it to Brittany. "Ta-da!" Kurt said and  Brittany and Jamey see a picture of Kurt in all black. "It's understated, yet elegant. Inspired, of course, by the classic Blackglama fur coat ads. Rumor has it that Judy Garland, down on her luck and thin as a baby bird, stole her Blackglama mink coat after her photoshoot. And it wasn't even lined yet." Kurt said to her. "You should tell that story during your campaign speech. It's unicorn." Brittany said to him making Kurt smile. Kurt puts the poster down and he jumps onto the bed and he goes into Jamey's arms.

At Schuester's House
In Sebastian's Room

Jesse was sleeping in Sebastian's arms, Sebastian was talking to Alexander on his phone. Sebastian looks down at Jesse who sees she was still asleep, he looks back to his phone to see a text from Sam again. Sebastian puts his phone down and he puts his arm around Jesse. Will walks past to see them making him smile.

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