Booty Camp 2

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After School
In The Auditorium On Stage

Everyone was now at Booty Camp besides Mercedes. "You're late." Sebastian said to Mercedes as she walks onto the stage. "I know." Mercedes said to him. "Don't get smart with me." Sebastian said to her making Mercedes look at him. "Anyway, what's Santana doing here?" Mercedes asks them. "I've re-sworn my allegiance to the Glee Club, without telling Coach Sue." Santana said to her. "Mercedes, I'll catch you up. Five, six, seven. Five, six..." Mike said to her. Mike and Mercedes begin to dance. Suddenly Mercedes runs over to the trash can. "Mercedes, you okay?" Will asks her. "My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick." Mercedes said to him. "Why are you babying her? I mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up." Sebastian said to him making Mercedes look at him. "Mr. Shue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, Glee Club, and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?" Mercedes asks Will. "When the rest of us do." Sebastian said to her. "You need to stop picking on me." Mercedes said to him. "I will stop when I want to." Sebastian said to her. "Maybe Sam was not the right one for you." Mercedes said to him making Sebastian walk off the stage while pushing over a few music stands. "Mercedes, you will be staying late here until you get the moves down." Will said to her mad and he points at her. "If you ever talk to my son again like that you are out." Will said to her making everyone look at each other.

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