New Plan

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At McKinley In Figgins's Office

The Three walk into the office where Burt was waiting for them with Beiste. "First of all, Mr. Hummel, congratulations on your early exit poll numbers. Things are looking very good indeed for you." Figgins said to Burt while walking to his table. "Thank you, Figgins. Now can you tell me why I'm here today?" Burt asks him. "There seems to have been some irregularities with the student council ballot boxes." Figgins said to them. "What do you mean by irregularities?" Jesse asks him. "Kurt won...but by 190 votes." Bestie said to them. "Well, that's great, right?" Burt asks them. "Well, the problem is there are more ballots than there are teens, and Kurt won by a suspiciously wide margin." Bestie said to them and Figgins look at Jesse. "Mrs. Schuester, we are thinking it's you." Figgins said to her making Jesse look at him. "No, no, I-I didn't do it." Jesse said to him. "You are Kurt's best friend and someone saw you with a bag when it was time to vote." Figgins said to her. "I still stand by I didn't do it. Yes, Kurt's my friend but I will never do that." Jesse said to him. "Sorry, Jesse you are suspended for doing something like this, this is going on your permanent record and you are banned from competing with the Glee club." Figgins said to her making Will stand up for her. "You can't do that without proving she did it." Will said to him. "I have all the proof I need. Rachel and her friends saw her with a bag two days ago with a lot of papers. I am sorry but that what is going to happen." Figgins said to them.

The four walks out of the office to see Jamey, Sebastian, and Blaine. "What happened?" Blaine asks them. "I lost the election." Kurt said to them. "What why?" Jamey asks him. "Jesse is suspended, banned from competing with us and this is going on her permanent record." Will said to them making the boys look at Jesse. "I...I didn't do anything." Jesse said to them with tears going down her face making Blaine walk over to her and gives her a hug. "We know." Burt said to her and he walks over to her brothers. "I think you two need to talk to Rachel and her friends." Burt said to them making the two nod.

In The Hallways

Sebastian walks over to Rachel who was by her locker. "Do you something to tell me?" Sebastian asks her making Rachel look at him. "I hate you." Rachel said to him. "I know, but there is something else I want to know." Sebastian said to her while Jamey walks behind her. "Don't you have a boyfriend to go to?" Rachel said to him as the glee club walks over to her. "Stop playing around." Finn said making her turn to see the club. "Jesse is being punished for whatever you did." Quinn said to her. "Good, she needs to be punished for putting so many ballots in the box." Rachel said to them making everyone look at each other. "We didn't tell you that." Jamey said to her making Rachel look at him. "Yes, you did." Rachel said to him. "No, we didn't." Sebastian said to her as Kurt walks over to her. "You will come clean to Figgins, right now." Kurt said to her. "Sure, when I die." Rachel said to him making Mike and Puck pick up Rachel. "KEEP ME DOWN!!" Rachel yelled at them as the group walks to Figgins's office. 

At Figgins's Office

The clubs were standing by the doorway so Rachel doesn't leave. "Mrs. Berry, the glee clubs tell me you were the one who put all the ballots in the box and said it was Mrs. Schuester. Is this right?" Figgins asks her. "Yesh." Rachel said not caring. "You are suspended for three weeks and this will be on permanent record." Figgins said to her and he looks at Jesse. "I am sorry for not believing you, Mrs. Schuester." Figgins said to her making Jesse nod.

In The Hallways

Rachel turns to the clubs. "You may find out this one but I have another plan." Rachel said to them and she looks at Sebastian. "Sorry to hear what happened with you and Sam." Rachel said to him with an evil smile and she walks away. "Something is very wrong with her." Finn said to them. "Luckily, Jesse save you from dating her." Quinn said to him. "Yeah, maybe like another Finn is dating her on another earth." Finn said to them. "That is earth crazy." Puck said to him while Sebastian thinking about what Rachel said.

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