Unexpected Assistance

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Steve stood motionless as his very being began to become slowly engulfed by fear, for he was unsure if there was anything that he could do to stop the man that stood before him.

Steve: He's right... If that was unable to hurt him, then we never stood a chance against him in the first place...

Black Reaper: Well, I'll give ya this much... You've lasted longer than anyone else has.. but that's like saying you're the best of the worst, so I don't think that's saying too much...

Neos: Hey, don't go giving him all of the credit...

The man turned in shock to see Neos and Sub both slowly making their way back up and onto their feet.

Black Reaper: Wait, what?! You're actually back up?!

Sub: Come on... You seriously thought that throwing us in the ground would keep us down? Well, just for making that crucial mistake, it's time to take you out... You guys ready?

Neos and Steve both nodded at Sub's question, for they knew exactly what he was thinking about doing. The three stood in a straight line and began to slowly charge up their powers as the Reaper began to slowly move backwards in slight worry and confusion.

Steve: It's time for you to see just how strong we can be!

Sub: Alpha!

Neos: Omega!

Steve: Delta!

The three then joined their powers together just like they did in the fight against Jack and shot the same massive beam that they did before.

Black Reaper: Hehehe... It's about time you gave me a reason to show off what I can do...

Steve: Wait, what?!

Neos: What did he just say?!

As the beam was quickly approaching him, the Black Reaper began to have his fist become surrounded in an orange aura which frightened the group, for they had no idea what to expect. With his fist still glowing, the Reaper began to run towards the beam only to jump up in the air right as it was about to hit him.

Black Reaper: Now, it's time to show you what true power looks like... Mystic Surge!

The Black Reaper quickly dropped back to the ground, slamming his orange glowing fist into it, which caused the same massive explosion that they had seen previously. The explosion sent all three of them flying backwards as they all crashed into the ground below them. Barely retaining consciousness, Steve glanced up at the Black Reaper that was standing over them.

Steve: H-how did you.. beat our.. ultimate.. attack?

Black Reaper: How many times must I say it for you to understand? You fight with emotion while I fight with conviction... That is why I was able to beat you... Now, I'll say this one final time... You need to decide whose side you're on if you wish to play a part in all of this...

???: Leave them alone!

The Black Reaper looked up to see who the voice came from and was met by the sight of a tall, pale, long black haired girl with an axe attempting to jump down on him. He was quick to move out of the way, dodging the axe's blade, but he seemed to become angry upon seeing the girl as if he knew who she was.

???: I told you before to leave civilians alone unless you wanted to suffer my wrath again. Clearly, you didn't wish to listen.

Black Reaper: Me?! I'm the one that didn't listen?! You're a worthless piece of garbage! You scummy little bitch... I'll kill you!

Becoming filled with emotion, the Black Reaper charged the girl but was thwarted as she swung the axe in front of him. He slid under the axe and managed to sweep the girl's legs out from under her which caused her to drop her weapon. He would then mount himself on top of her as he began to choke the life out of her with both hands. Just as she was beginning to fade, Neos shot a fireball at him, knocking him off of her. Before he could get up, Sub froze both of his hands to the ground, and Steve began to charge up all of his power for his trademark "Delta Strike." As he was levitating in the air with the notorious green aura surrounding him, the symbol of Delta appeared in front of him, and he shot the well know green beam of energy down onto the Black Reaper. The shot had exhausted Steve to the point that he was struggling to get back up, and as they all waited for the dust to clear, they saw that there was no trace of the Black Reaper anywhere.

Sub: Wait, he's gone?

Neos: Where could he have run off to?

Steve: It doesn't.. m-matter... The fact is.. that he's gone... We h-h-have to f-f-find him...

As Steve was struggling to get up, he noticed a hand that didn't look familiar to him appear in front of him.

???: Hey, you look like you could use a hand.

Steve looked up to see the same pale, black haired girl that had saved them originally, and he took her hand as she helped him to get up.

Steve: Thanks, but.. who are you?

Rhea: Oh, I go by a few names, but you can just call me Rhea.

Steve: It's nice to meet you, Rhea. I'm Steve.

The two shake hands right as Ava comes across the group. She immediately catches Steve's attention, and he runs to her and hugs her, picking her off the ground as he does.

Ava: I saw another one of those explosions in the distance, and I got worried that I had lost you...

Steve: Hey, hey, it's ok... I'm right here...

After a bit of holding each other, they released their hold on each other as Steve let Ava back onto the ground.

Sub: Alright, I'm glad that we're all happy to not have been killed, but you guys do realize that we didn't kill him either, right?

Steve: Yeah, you're right... We barely even made it out alive ourselves...

Rhea: Oh, I have a place for you guys to stay! Come with me!

Ava: Can we trust her, Steve?

Steve: I think we can. She saved us, after all.

Ava: Alright then... I'm with you...

Steve: Alright, guys, let's go.

The group began to follow Rhea to her home as the sun began to set over the city. Meanwhile, in an unknown area filled with hellfire and brimstone, the Black Reaper was making his way down a lengthy pathway lined out which held a never ending abyss of darkness under it. Once he made it to the end of the pathway, he was greeted by the sight of an older looking man sitting in a throne with his face expressing interest in the younger man's presence before him.

Black Reaper: Lord Hades.. I have news for you...

Hades: Oh, please, quit it with the "Lord Hades" stuff... That's father to you...

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