Exit the Area

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As everyone stood motionless with their bodies being consumed with fear at the sight of the Black Reaper, he simply did nothing but stare daggers through each and every person in his vision until his eyes finally locked onto Rhea.

Black Reaper: So, this is the place that you've managed to forge all by yourself? Hmmm... Well, it's roomy, I'll give ya that... Although, I'm still not entirely sure how you've managed to get all of the equipment to make this place.. unless those scientists that came here ages ago helped to get it for you if you get my drift...

Rhea: How did you find us here?! This bunker is supposed to be hidden!

Black Reaper: Really? You wanna know how I found you? Come on, Rhea... You of all people should know that my bag of tricks just doesn't have a bottom to it... I had a spell that helps to sense other power sources, and well.. your little buddy there did cause a slight earthquake down here... It wasn't too difficult to find you at that point...

Rhea turned to see all of the people with fear still smeared on their faces and turned back to the Black Reaper with anger in her eyes.

Rhea: Leave here, now... If you do.. I might just show mercy...

Black Reaper: Mercy, huh? Hehe... Thanks for the oh so generous offer, but I'm just not too interested in your version of mercy... The way I see it, you killed my cousin.. so as far as I'm concerned, you can take your mercy and shove it straight up your ass...

Rhea: What're you talking about?! I haven't killed a single family member of your's! I don't even know your family!

Black Reaper: Oh, if these people only knew how false that statement was... Hey, Elementals... Who do you think my cousin is that I'm referring to? Go on, guess, I'll wait...

The group stood confused and slightly anxious at who it could've been that he was referring to until Steve stood by Rhea and finally responded.

Steve: Whoever your cousin is that was killed, I can almost guarantee that Rhea wasn't the one that did it. She's done too much to protect people from you, so to say that she took the life of someone else yells lie from a mile away!

Black Reaper: Hehehehe... Is that what you think? Man, I took you for the naive type but not outright stupid... Whether you wanna believe it or not, her methods aren't very different from mine when no one's around.. especially not behind closed doors...

Sub: Wait, what does he mean?

Steve: What're you talking abo-

Before Steve could finish his statement, Rhea raised her arm in front of him, signaling him to stop what he's saying.

Rhea: It's alright, Steve... I've got this... Listen, Black Reaper, I don't know who you truly are or what your motives may be, but what I do know is that you have crossed the line far too many times! You've taken more lives than any person can ever be deserving of forgiveness for, and for that, I will make you pay...

As Rhea finished her statement, she fathomed up the same axe that she had used to help Steve and the others.

Neos: Wait a minute, I was wondering where she put that thing.

Sub: It seems as though there's more to her than we know. All the same.. I'm still not sure which one of these two's word I trust more...

Black Reaper: Ahhh, you're actually gonna take this seriously? Well, it's a shame that it just won't make a difference... I will take great pleasure in dropping you where you stand...

Rhea: You can talk all big and bad as much as you want, but the fact is that you'll be the one begging for mercy by the end of this.

Black Reaper: Hehehehehe... Hahahahaha! Oh, really?! You're a joke... Honestly, I don't like taking life from others.. but I would be full of shit if I said I wasn't gonna get great pleasure out of killing you...

Upon making his claim, the Black Reaper charged at Rhea with four men jumping in front of her in an attempt to protect her, but he practically swatted them away like flies as he pushed them all back with ease. Just as he became within swinging distance of Rhea, Steve tackled him to the ground in an attempt to distract him.

Steve: Rhea and Ava, get everyone out of here! Sub and Neos, you guys know how this goes!

Rhea: But Steve, I-

Steve: Just go!

Ava: Here, we have to get everyone out of here!

Rhea: Fine... You guys better make it out of this...

Steve: We will, now go!

As Rhea and Ava begin to help escort people out of the hidden bunker, the Black Reaper and Steve continue to squirm on the ground with each one attempting to keep the other one down. Once Rhea and Ava got everyone above ground, Ava and Rhea began to exit with the Black Reaper noticing.

Black Reaper: No! I won't let you get away!

Rhea turns to see the black haired man attempting to force Steve off of him, which causes her to worry until Sub and Neos both pounce on him as well, knocking him back onto the ground completely once more. Once Rhea had finished making her way up the stairs and above ground, she took the axe she was wielding and bashed away at the rocks above the entrance until they came crashing down in front of the passageway. The tumbling of the rocks caused a cloud of dust to surround the civilians for a moment. Once the dust from the newly made debris had cleared, Ava began to become filled with worry and anger.

Ava: Hey, what the hell?! My friends are in there!

Rhea: They may be, but the Black Reaper is too...

Ava: So what?! You're just gonna use them as sacrifices?!

Rhea: I plan on doing no such thing! Are you accusing me of trying to cost us our best chance at beating that monster?!

Ava: Oh, great! It sounds like we understand each other!

Rhea: You little... Ya know what, I don't have time to deal with you right now... Is everyone ok and accounted for?

Rhea turned and began to examine the group of people standing behind her and Ava until she noticed that someone was missing.

Rhea: Wait a minute! Where's Reaver?!

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