A Ghost in the Dark

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Sub had continued walking alone for about five minutes throughout the darkness of the forest that surrounded him until he was slowly beginning to lose hope in the idea that he may find the man that he was looking for.

Sub: Man, I gotta give it to this guy... He's hard as hell to find when he doesn't wanna be found...

As Sub continued walking for a bit longer, he had finally managed to come across an open area within the tree forged labyrinth that he had found himself in. As the moon and stars lit up the night sky that rested above both him and the trees, he began to slowly make his way to the center of the area until he had noticed a figure beginning to slowly emerge from the darkness along with him. Immediately knowing who it was, he was quick to call them out.

Sub: Something told me I would find you somewhere nearby...

The individual was quick to exit the dark after realizing that Sub knew who they were and revealed the same pale, black haired man that he was looking for to begin with.

Black Reaper: You came out tonight with the intention of looking for me? For some reason, I doubt your friends were made aware of this decision.

Sub: It doesn't matter if they were or not. They're my friends, not my parents. We may be a team, but I don't need their approval to do things on my own.

Black Reaper: Hehe, I guess that's fair... Well, come on, now... Sit with me...

The Black Reaper took a seat on a tree stump that was in the middle of the tiny plain and signaled for Sub to sit on the one across from him, which he quickly accepted. The two began to stare holes through each other, almost as if to show each other that they didn't fear the person sitting before them in an attempt to gain mutual respect.

Black Reaper: So, what is it that you wish to talk to me about of all people?

Sub: I wanna know why you saved us the way that you did... I already have my suspicions as to why, but I wanna hear it from the horse's mouth, if you will...

Black Reaper: Ahhh, no wonder you're the Alpha wielder. You're as cold as ice. I like it... Well, I suppose the reason I saved you was partially in an attempt to show you that I was being honest when I said that I'm not the bad guy. At least, that would be the simple answer.

Sub: What would be the not so simple answer?

Black Reaper: Well.. I suppose it would be the fact that I wanted you to hear me out...

Sub: Well, then how about you start talking so I can start hearing?

The Black Reaper looked at Sub with a bit of surprise, for he didn't expect Sub to be that quick to trust him.

Black Reaper: You're genuinely interested in hearing what I have to say?

Sub: Oh, I assure you, I wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't. Also, truth be told, there's something about this entire situation that makes me trust you far more than I trust Rhea.

Black Reaper: Well, at least one of you has some common sense about you... Well, I take it Rhea accused me of killing Hercules, right?

Sub: Yeah, that's right... Did you?

Black Reaper: Did I? Why would I kill my own cousin?

Sub: Wait, your cousin? You were cousins with a god?

Black Reaper: That, I was... I'm related to all of them, in fact... After all, I am the son of Hades...

Sub: Wait, what?! You're the son of Hades?! As in the God of the Underworld?!

Black Reaper: The one and only... Although, whoever came up with that name is stupid...

Sub: What do you mean?

Black Reaper: The underworld... The correct term for it would be the Netherworld...

Sub: The Netherworld?

Black Reaper: Yeah... It's another realm that is less apart of the multiverse and more of rests in the middle of it... The Netherworld exists within all universes, even your's... The thing that makes it really unique is the fact that each universe has a different variation of it... For Universe Olympus, that version is Hades, but that's almost self explanatory... Naturally, being the son of what many people consider to be the more evil god of the bunch, I wasn't necessarily loved growing up... Everyone assumed that I was just going to turn into my father and nothing more.. so I did everything in my power to prove them wrong... I wanted to show everyone that just because I was the son of Hades, that didn't mean that I was rotten to the core like him... Eventually, I came across this person that I believed I'd be able to call my friend...

Sub: Well, that's good... Who was it?

Black Reaper: Their name.. was Rhea...

Sub: Wait, Rhea as in the girl that wants you dead more than anything?

Black Reaper: That's correct...

Sub: Wait a minute, I'm confused. If she was your friend, why do you both suddenly wanna kill each other?

Black Reaper: I wanna kill her because she's taken all of the credibility away that I worked so hard to gain from people... I spent my entire life trying to show people that I'm not the type of person my father is, and she began to do everything wrong and blamed me... Since I was "Hades' child," there wasn't a soul that wasn't willing to believe her... The worst part.. is when I see people like Reaver that want me dead because of things that she's said... It hurts to know that there's so many people that deem me responsible for all the bad that's happened to them when she's the one that caused it all... She destroyed Delphi... She killed Hercules... She did everything and put my name on it all... Then again.. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less.. from the daughter of Ares...

Sub: The daughter of Ares?! The God of War?!

Black Reaper: That's right... As the heir to the God of War, it's only natural that she thrives on the idea of everlasting chaos and torment... She wants me dead because she understands that the minute I get the chance to reveal who she is, I'll do it... I'll make her pay one way or another... I have to...

Sub: Well, how about we join you in doing just that?

Black Reaper: Wait, what?

Sub: Yeah, why not? I'll take you back so you can tell everyone, and we'll take Rhea down together... How's that sound?

Black Reaper: I... Yeah... Let's take her down together...

The two slowly made their way up from the stumps that they were sitting on, and they gripped each other's hands as they shook on the agreement they had just made. Just as they released their grip on each other, Sub had thought of something to ask his newfound ally.

Sub: Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name? If we're gonna be fighting side by side, I'd rather not have to call you the Black Reaper all the time.

Black Reaper: Hehe... That's fair...

The Black Reaper took off the half mask that covered the lower half of his face and revealed the second half of the pale face that Sub could already see.

Black Reaper: It's nice to meet you, Sub... I'm Ghost...

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