Hope for Change

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Rhea seemed a bit concerned about how Steve was currently feeling. She was almost acting as if she knew Steve for quite some time with how much she was beginning to worry.

Rhea: Ya know, Steve, if you don't wanna talk about this, we don't have to.

Steve: Oh, no.. it's fine... It's just.. I'm worried... I'm worried that if she continues to be around me all the time, the same thing that happened to my parents will happen to her, and I... I can't let that happen... It's bad enough that I'm at fault for the deaths of my parents, but if I ended up being the reason for her death.. I don't know that I'd ever be able to live with myself...

Rhea rested her hand on Steve's as she began to try to comfort him.

Rhea: Steve, I understand how much losing someone can hurt... I can perfectly understand why it would be hard to let that pain just go away, but I am here to tell you that it gets better...

Steve: H-how does it get better? I'm the reason my mom and dad are gone, so how can I possibly make up for that?

Rhea: That's just it... No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to make up for it... That's just how it is from that moment forward... All you can do is tell yourself to forget about it and move on...

Steve: I wish it were that simple...

Ava: Hey, Steve!

Steve and Rhea both turned to see Ava with Steve seeming a bit happier and Rhea, annoyed.

Ava: They're having a training session, and Neos is actually gonna be one of the sparring partners! Do you wanna come watch downstairs?

Steve: Ya know what? I'd love to do that.

Ava: Yay! Come on, let's go!

Ava grabbed Steve's hand and began to run downstairs, pulling Steve behind her every step of the way.

Rhea: Well, Steve, it seems like you're sinking in your own emotions.. but don't worry... I'll make sure you don't drown...

Once Steve and Ava had gotten downstairs, they immediately recognized Sub, who had two seats next to him reserved. Once they had sat down, they began to get excited over getting to see Neos fight.

Ava: Man, this is gonna be so much fun to watch, I can't wait!

Sub: Honestly, I'm less excited for myself and more excited for all of the people here that haven't gotten to see Neos fight.

Steve: I'm a bit curious to see who's fighting him.

As Neos was warming up, a guy about the same height as him and a bit skinnier began to make his way to the other side of the giant square pad that they'd be sparring on. He had brown eyes and brown hair that was shaved in a buzz cut style. As the man revealed himself, the crowd quickly began to gossip almost as if the guy facing Neos was a celebrity.

Neos: Hey there, I'm Neos! So, you're the one that I'm gonna be sparring, I take it?

Reaver: Yep, I sure am. The name's Reaver Cadel. I hope you know what you've just gotten yourself into in doing this.

Neos: Oh, believe me, I'm more than aware of what I've gotten myself into. I've been in more fights than there are days in a year. You're nothing special to me.

Reaver: Well, then I guess there's no reason why this shouldn't be a tough task...

Rhea: Oh, Reaver... I'm not sure that you know what you've gotten yourself into...

As one of the soldiers blew the whistle, the two charged each other, but as they were about to lock up, Reaver ran behind Neos so fast that you would've missed him if you blinked.

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