The Fountain of Revival

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As Rhea walked off, Steve and the others quickly gathered around Ghost with even the civilians that had originally feared him wanting to make sure that he was alright. As he was coughing up a bit more blood with every few breaths, Steve and the rest of the group began to grow more and more concerned with the idea that he may not make it.

Steve: Ghost, you're gonna be alright, man, ok? Just take a minute and breathe...

Ghost: Like I.. s-s-said, Steve.. don't be s-so.. naive... I.. should've known.. th-that my time.. was gonna b-be up.. s-s-soon... This type of thing.. just happens sometimes... It.. can't be h-helped...

Sub: No, come on, man, don't say that...

Steve: Yeah, you're gonna be alright... Surely, there's some way we can fix you...

Ghost: W-well.. there is.. one way... The F-F-Fountain.. of Revival... It's located.. in the underground.. ruins.. of Olympus... Y-you have to.. g-get there quickly... Spirits exist, Steve... Find m-m-meaning in them.. or all h-h-hope.. will be lost.. and Olympus.. will be destroyed...

Steve: We'll do it... We'll get you there...

As Steve made his vow to Ghost, Ghost was unable to do anything but grin weakly at him as his eyes closed and his breathing began to stop, which caused Steve to began to smack the ground uncontrollably.

Steve: Damnit... Damnit, damnit, damnit! We have to save him... We just have to... He's done too much for this universe for us to just let him die...

Neos: How can we save him, though? We don't know where these underground ruins even are.

Reaver: Actually, I think I might have an idea...

Steve: What's that?

Reaver: Olympus is the name of this entire universe, but it's also the name of the city that Rhea had found you guys in when you first got here. If I had to guess, I'd say that the underground ruins Ghost was talking about are somewhere under that city.

Sub: Well, what's the hold up, then? Someone pack his ass on your shoulders, and let's go save him!

Per Sub's demand, a group of six civilians had all grabbed ahold of Ghost's deceased body, picked him up, and began to carry him behind Steve, Neos, Sub, Reaver, and Ava, as they all began to make their way to the city of Olympus. As they were making their way there, Ava began to see worry and fear within the eyes of Steve, and similar to what she did upon seeing that look when they had all first appeared in Universe Olympus, she called him out on it once more.

Ava: What are you scared about this time?

Steve: Oh.. it's nothing...

Ava: Yeah, alright, and my name isn't Ava. Really, Steve, what's going on?

Steve: It's just that.. I never thought that by coming here, we'd gain new friends... Worst of all.. I never thought that by gaining new friends here, we'd be having to save one of them from death... All of this is just becoming a bit too much for me to handle...

Upon hearing what Steve had to say, Ava was quick to grab Steve's hand, squeezing it as hard as she could, in an attempt to comfort him.

Ava: It's gonna be ok... You and I both know that Ghost back there is stronger than anyone else here... We'll save him, don't worry...

Steve: I... I sure hope that you're right on that...

After about another thirty minutes of walking, they had all finally made it to Olympus, where a crowd began to line up in the streets as they watched the group escort the civilians that were carrying Ghost. Still believing that Ghost was the bad guy, other civilians that were with the group began to go around to those in the streets and explain to them all that had happened and why they needed to revive Ghost. The group continued to walk until they had made it to the crater that was formed by their first encounter with Ghost.

Sub: Naturally, this would be the best place to begin tearing apart. After all, I think we can all agree that it's better to damage what's already been damaged over damaging a completely different area.

Steve: Yeah, you're right. How do you suppose we go about digging, though?

Neos: Watch and learn, my friends...

Neos would then make his way towards the center of the crater as everyone watched his every move. He would then smash both of his hands into the ground beneath him, causing a massive earthquake that shook the nearby area. As the magnitude of the self generated earthquake began to grow more and more, the ground within the crater began to break apart until finally, a hole opened beneath Neos with Neos falling into it almost immediately. Steve, Sub, and Reaver were all quick to jump in behind him with them all landing on a stone pathway the second they hit the ground below ground. As the dust began to clear, the four were greeted by the sight of what seemed to be an underground temple similar to the one where Steve, Jackson, and Sub got their elemental powers.

Sub: Well, I can honestly say that this is some not great feeling deja vu.

Steve: You're tellin me...

The group continued to walk around the area until they came across a room that, in the center of it, lied a massive fountain that was surrounded in solid gold and silver. The group stood in awe at the beautiful sight until they were quickly reminded of the reason that they had come to begin with. Sub turned and shot ice at the massive hole they had jumped in from and began to forge a slide of ice down to where they were.

Steve: Everyone! Send him down to us!

Per the request of Steve, the civilians and Ava all began to slowly rest Ghost's body on the top of the icy slide that Sub had created and watched as the deceased man began to slide down to Steve and the others. Once they had gotten his body, Neos picked him up on his shoulders and began to carry him to the fountain that laid in front of them. Once there, they began to think up what it was that they needed to do next.

Steve: Alright, then... What do you guys say we save our new friend?

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