A New Job

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Hades awaited his son's response, for he was curious to know just what it was that he had to tell him.

Hades: So, what is it that you have come to tell me now, my boy?

Black Reaper: Father, bad things are becoming of this issue that is Rhea... Not only that, but now.. she killed Hercules... She's actually going after the gods now, and in case you happened to have forgotten, that includes you...

Hades: Yes, I'm well aware just who it includes... I'm just a bit unsure of what to do about it... Keep in mind though, you're a god as well.

Black Reaper: Not yet, I'm not. With all of the stuff that she's accused me of, no one would accept me as a god right now if their lives depended on it.

Hades: Well, then take her out and prove those accusations wrong. You can take her, can't you?

Black Reaper: I can when she's alone, but I'm unable to when she has three other people to back her up.

Hades: Wait... What exactly do you mean by having three other people?

Hades, who remained seated on the throne, had his interest continuing to grow in what his son had just said.

Black Reaper: She has three new people on her side, but there's something that makes this situation really bad for us... They have the symbols on their hands...

Hades: Wait a minute, the Elementals?!

Black Reaper: I'm afraid so, father...

Hades: That's not good... If she's somehow persuaded the Elementals to join her side, then we may have a really major problem on our hands...

Black Reaper: Well, there is some good news...

Hades: Really? That's good, at least it isn't all bad... What's the good news?

Black Reaper: Neither the Omega or Alpha wielders have managed to unlock their full power yet, and the reasoning for that is because the Delta wielder isn't bonding with his element...

Hades: Wait, what makes you say that?

Black Reaper: Every time he uses his powers, it's as if he's having to give up some of his own energy to use them. That, and he lets his emotions get the best of him, and when he does, he's practically unable to control his powers... I think that to the Delta element, he's a placeholder and nothing more...

Hades: Hmmm... Very nice deductive skills, my boy! If what you're saying is true, then you might be onto something.

Black Reaper: There's something that scares me about that guy, though... Something about him that I just can't stop thinking about...

Hades: Really? What's that?

Black Reaper: In terms of personality.. he's an awful lot like him...

Hades: Wait, what're you trying to say, son?

As Hades began to look at his son with fear and panic beginning to slowly build up in his eyes, the Black Reaper finally spoke up.

Black Reaper: I'm not trying to say anything. I'm merely saying that they have far too many similarities for my liking. You know how hard it was for me to put him away back then, so I simply want to make sure that that type of situation doesn't come up again.

Hades: Yes, I suppose that is a fair way to think... Well, I have a new job for you...

Black Reaper: What is it?

Hades: Your job from now on is to attempt to show the Elementals that they're fighting for the wrong side. Do you think you can do that?

Black Reaper: Yeah, but how am I supposed to do that with her around them all the time? She won't just leave them alone knowing that I may try to tell them things she doesn't want them to hear.

Hades: You'll have to find a way to get her away from at least one of them long enough to tell them all that you need to. Remember, you can use force if needed, but just be sure not to hurt them fatally, alright?

Black Reaper: Yes, father... I understand...

Hades: Alright then, you may go on about your business now...

Per his father's approval, the Black Reaper turned and exited the area as he began to make his way back to the over-world so he could begin his mission.

Black Reaper: Even while I'm trying to recruit them, I'm still gonna keep an eye for that guy... He's too much like him to be treated casually... In terms of power, though, who knows? He might be a pretty good rival...

Meanwhile, Rhea had led the group to a mountainside that hid away an underground bunker type of area that had a few rooms, a cafeteria area, and a massive training facility, but it wasn't just her that lived there as there was an entire group of people that had been harmed by the Black Reaper as well as soldiers who were training the cadets to fight him.

Neos: Man, this place looks awesome!

Sub: Yeah, it does look pretty good, doesn't it?

Neos: Wait a minute, you guys have hot dogs?! I didn't even know what those things were until just a few weeks ago!

Rhea: Well, luckily for you, we have plenty fixed. You can go have some if you want.

Neos: Sweet! Let's go, guys!

As the four began to make their way over to the cafeteria, Rhea stopped Steve.

Rhea: Hey, if you don't mind, can I talk to you for a moment?

Steve: Oh, sure thing.

While Sub and Neos kept going, Ava turned to see Steve walking with Rhea which hurt her feelings a bit to see, but she would eventually just rub it off. Steve and Rhea walked to the edge of a balcony that was over the training room, and they talked while watching the soldiers train the new recruits that they had as seen earlier.

Rhea: You guys aren't from around here, are you?

Steve: What makes you say that?

Rhea: I've lived in Olympus all my life. I would know if people as powerful as you three lived here.

Steve: Oh, well, I guess that's fair.

Rhea: So, tell me, where are you from?

Steve: Well, we came from a universe known as Universe Orion, but originally, we're from another one called Universe Prime.

Rhea: Hmmm, interesting... I didn't know there were other universes out there... How fascinating...

Steve: Yeah, it can be a bit tough to get used to, though. I've known about there being other universes for almost a year, and I'm still not sure that I'm completely used to it.

Rhea: Well, I sure am glad that you three are here.

Steve: Hey, keep in mind, we've got Ava too. She may not have powers, but damn, she can put up a fight if need be. Believe me, I would know, hehe.

Rhea: Haha, you're funny, ya know that? Speaking of, though, what is she to you?

Steve: Who, Ava? Well, I guess she's one of the few lights I have left to look towards in this dark world...

Rhea: What do you mean by that?

Steve: What I mean is that she's one of the only people that's been by my side since the day we met... When Neos had died, her and Sub were all I really had to live for anymore... To this day, she still refuses to leave my side in hopes of ensuring that nothing bad ever happens to me.. but there's just one problem with her being that way...

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