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Hoppou's POV

I could see a bunch of warning signs on-screen but at least i won the battle. We did a little scavenging and came across a few titan weapons that were still intact. There was a few titan batteries scattered around but they wouldn't be able to fix the hull at this point.


Hoppou : okay Steel, see you later.

I de-summon Steel and slide through the various options i have, i could use a gundam but it'll be too big to fit into the base. The best titan for now would probably be Ronin, or Scorch.

I obviously selected Scorch, however this weird sludge stuff isn't flammable, is it? Oh well, i'll find out soon enough, it won't matter either way if i just use the Tempered plating to avoid damaging myself. I select the fast drop and just wait as Scorch falls from the sky.

The bright star falls and hits the ground with massive force, shaking the ground near its impact point.

Scorch : pilot, are you ready to embark?

Hoppou : yep!

I skipped to his open palm, he then gently put me into the cockpit. The hatch then closed with a hiss, then the clicking of locks, the lights then came on and the screen soon turned on. A bunch of codes flew by before Scorch fully integrated me into his systems.

Scorch : switching to manual controls, flame core online.

I grab the controls and test the various abilities, my favorite would be the gas trap since it has a pretty big area of effect. I hop out Scorch and went towards two of the batteries on the foor, i then took both th batteries, one for the shield, and another as a spare. I then went back into Scorch after placing the battery into the socket on top.

I then start the slow walk down the tunnel through the dam, there was a pretty large amount of pipes here, for obvious reasons. During the walk we would come across a few titans from the Militia and the IMC. Continuing on the path, we ended up at one of the dams entrances further in the compound. However there was two titans and a large group of infantry protecting it.

The soldier imediately​ identified me as a threat  and went into cover, while the two titans were taking pop shots at me behind two large pillars. I rush towards one of the titans and use the thermal sheild to burn through the cockpit, cooking the pilot alive. I then turned the thermal shield towards the last titan and let the 40mm rounds get evaporated by the heat.

I slam one of Scorch's fists into the sludge and a wall of fire sprung out towards the Tone titan, damaging its right leg. Using this opportunity i rush towards him to kick him down and crush the cockpit. Turning towards the remaining troops i launch gas traps towards the large groups and quickly set fire to the gas, causing it to set the the entire group on fire.

Once we double checked the area, i left Scorch and went towards the gate control to press the button. However the doors sealed shut.

Hoppou : hey Scorch, could you melt the glass please?

Scorch : it will get increasingly hot the longer it takes pilot, should i proceed with the melting?

Hoppou : yea just do it, i won't be able to do anything myself.

Scorch : affirmative.

Scorch puts his giant metal palm against the glass and slowly increased the heat, the glass turned into a bright yelow, then a hole started to expand. Once there was a prominant hole in the glass i waited a little bit for Scorch's hand to cool down and then got on his hand, letting myself be shoved into the cockpit.

Going through the un-sealed entrance we were both going down a straight path, Scorch then started to run to get to the destination. Once we reached the end of the path it reveal a long stairway with a bunch of Marvins looking at Scorch and then they scattered out of his way.

Scorch : pilot, my scans indicate that there is a possibility of enemy titans ahead of us. I would recommend launching the gas trap behind them to force them, to us.

Hoppou : okay Scorch, i'll keep that in mind.

Keeping up the pace i rush into the open to see a squad of three Militia titans fighting a group of IMC titans, while a colorful Scorch titan watched the fight. The enemy Scorch titan's "eye" turned towards me.

??? : OOOOH! What do we have here? A fellow Scorch enthusiast?

Scorch : apologies, my pilot prefers to stay silent.

??? : good, that's good. No, it's great actually! Hey scrubs! I'm taking care of the Scorch, you deal with the Militia titans!

IMC pilot : roger that.

??? : now then, welcome to Kane's party! I hope you can entertain me pilot.

While the other pilots were fighting each other, me and Kane started a fire fight between each other. Throwing several gas traps around the area i light them up with the thermite launcher and the flame wall.


I slam Scorch's fist into Kane's cockpit, causing his titan to stumble. I grip one of his arms joints to melt it and then rip it off with some major force, once it was off i jam Scorch's fingers through the hatch to try to crush Kane.

Sadly he had used his other functional arm to grip Scorch's arm, before he could try to melt it i used my other hand to roughly smack it down. Reeling Scorch's fist back and then thrusting it full force into Scorch's cockpit, denting the cockpit inwards enough to crush him.

Scorch : good job pilot, a clean kill.

Hoppou : i didn't feel like dragging it on, you know?

Scorch : pilot, what shall we do about the battle between the IMC titans and the Militia titans?

Hoppou : leave em, they can handle themselves.

I looked at them one last time before continuing my way out of the complex into the heavy rain. I open the hatch  and take a deep breath.

Hoppou : haa~ i love the smell of rain.

Scorch : noted.



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Nice, very nice. So what if i'm testing the boundries of Wattpad? It's fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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Hoppou, Reppu and titans, the daily necessities ( Hoppou x TitanFall )Where stories live. Discover now