Chapter 6 : Paragons of humanity

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A body slams into him mid-air, changing his trajectory, he hits the ground and groaned at the pain. He was definetely going to feel that in the morning.

"Get up, we need to get you out of here"

He turns towards the voice and notices a man in his early 20s staring back at him.He wore some kind of armour that covered his body except his head.

"Hey man, I'm Kyle and I work for the Paragons."

"Yeah, I don't really know what that means but there are this two demons that look like venom who were like trying to eat me and I don't even know where I am...."

"Okay I'm going to stop you right there, I don't know what a venom is but you were right in calling them demons and they are still trying to eat you, and now they will try to eat me."

Explosions are all around us as more people dressed in the same armour surround us but they had their helmets on.

"Shields up" One of them yells,glowing glyphs surround us before a blue hum of power surround us.They each held their hand up, blue energy coming from the arms hitting the forcefield as if feeding it"

"Crazy day huh" Kyle mutters reassuringly."It's all right, I was freaked out too when it happened to me"

"Command, light them up"

Suddenly the ground starts shaking around us,explosives going around us.Adrian was sure he was about to die and as if Kyle read his mind he whispered.

"You're already dead buddy, after this it's non existence" Adrian looked at him, shoked at the revelation.

"Can everyone read minds?" he asked.

"Pretty much and it's super gross you're thinking of your grandma naked to keep me out.And you're not going anywhere , today you're with us and we're the mother fucking paragons of humanity" Kyle shouts bravely.

"Extraction, come for us" the same one who had yelled before. A large swirl of energy surrounds her before she pointed to the sky and shot it out of her hand.He watched it head up before exploding up in a circle.A second later a ship appeared from the air itself.He noticed the ground beneath them was a concrete the energy dome floating a few meters above it.The ship stopped above them, pulling them up with some orange energy.Before they got to it, a roar came from the sky.With one bite, a dragon the size of a football field ate half the ship.With nothing holding them they dropped to the ground above them.The forcefield absorbed most of the impact before desolving.

"Look alive paragons" What Adrian had come to assume was the leader of this team shouted.One by one they rose, shaking the effects of the fall, they each stand as if ready for a fight.

"Enemy combatants up ahead.Analysis"

"5000 symbiotes, 3 phoenix dragons and a demon.If it was one dragon, we'd barely survive.This are 3 and a demon showed up, a freaking demon." one of them yells.

"Damage to our rank?"The captain interrupted.

"Extraction ship destroyed. ETA 24hours till next gate opening and average energy left is 6%." the analysis person yells.

The captain looked at Adrian and asked. "Who the hell are you?" "Kyle, call Apollo!For the paragoooon!" she yelled before heading towards an army of symbiotes.

"FOR THE PARAGON!" everyone shouted and jumped into battle.

Adrian looked at them in awe before turning to Kyle who seemed to have stayed. "I guess it's you and me buddy" before passing out.

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now