Chapter 7 : Terra Nova

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Adrian wakes up in some floating tube surrounded by liquid.Immediately the liquid starts draining as the effects of gravity come back.When its fully empty, the tube lowers itself into the ground.He notices he is nude before noticing a towel and using it to cover himself.He tried to remember what happened when a door slid open.Kyle approached him, he didn't seem injured and actually had a smirk on his face.

"What happened ?" Adrian asks immediately.

"You fainted" he replied trying his best not to laugh

"I know I fainted, what happened after that?" Alvin said annoyed at himself for his new found superpower.

"I called Apollo, who convinced Horus, who convinved Heimdall to join him in saving us' Kyle replied not missing a bit.


"Oh, speaking of which,the gods would like a word with you" Kyle continues, oblivious to Adrian's confusion.

"The what?"

"Ha!, let's get you out of here and let me show you around before we head to them.We need to get you armour." Kyle responds ignoring the look on Adrian's face.

He utters some words before glyphs started surrounding Adrian's body, his infamous robe making a second appearance as his outfit for the day.This time he had sandles as his choice of footwear.Once the process was complete Kyle turned around urging him to follow.

"The gigantic universe includes gods of several different religions, as well as mythical creatures. There are also angels and demons. There are cosmic entities and other divine beings. The universe contains physical embodiments of natural forces.We are not alone, we've never been." Kyle explains.

"The Gods, also known as the Olympians, or Aesir or whatever new name mortals come up with, are the most advanced civilization in the universe.Most gods like Zeus, Odin, Anubis were worshipped by ancient humans as deities , and over time, became known as myths.The gods were worshipped by humans due to their intervention when demons tried to invade Earth although there are suggestions that the gods have been visiting Earth for much longer.While they may look similar, Gods are much larger than that of the average human. They are more powerful than both Humans, Paragons or Demons as they can only be killed by other gods. They were almost all killed by mortals back in the day aside from Zeus, Odin and Ra who weakened our civilisation ,imprisoning us in this solar system. We are essentially prisoners and they are the guards.Welcome to Alcatraz!" he said gesturing foward.

Before him was the most amazing view Adrian had ever seen.They were on top on a floating structure overlooking a city made of steel and glass.All around, ships could be seen, people flying, floating structures that looked like they belonged in some sci-fi movie and a body of water in the near distance.

"Nova Terra is a small, planetary body that serves as home to the paragons, It is about the size of a small state.It is a flat, asteroid-like mass that has a top surface with a gravitational pull, similar to that of the Earth, in order to keep the citizens and their cities from floating into the void. The matter here is also denser and more durable than the matter on Earth. There is an unknown force that keeps the surfaces of Terra Nova from eroding and from allowing its bodies of water from drifting off into space." as he navigate the roof top which was filled with movement of people who wore weird outfits.He was glad he didn't stand out anymore,this reminded him of the malls back in LA due to the crowds.

Kyle walked towards what he could only assume was a flying car, but it looked more like a spaceship that could accomodate up to 6 people. Kyle turns his head to his wrist as a hologram display pops up , he navigates it before two drones detach themselves from the disc-like object on his back.They hover on top of the vehicle emitting laser lights aimed at the roof.The car opens seconds later and Kyle gestured for him to get in.As Adrian got in, he noticed the drones re-attaching themselves into the disk on Kyle's back.

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now