Chapter 8 : New Gear

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After a while the ship landed on a beautifully designed building,it had multiple sculptures depicting a man hammering metal into different weapons.They approached a large door which automatically opened to let them in as Kyle declared.

"Welcome to the forge!"

Adrian looked around at what seemed to be a futuristic factory.It was filled with all kinds of moving robotic parts building or fixing something.The factory had an orange hue about it and he noticed miniature stars flying around.

"What are those?" Adrian asked.

"Minitaurized God energy, it's what powers everything.Imagine if a fully charged
battery came to you instead of you going to charge it.It's mainly created by gods and distributed to the Paragons and their allies.This is a fully automated factory that manufactures our tech, one of many."

"Wow, this is awesome" Adrian mutters in awe.

"Kyle!" a voice booms as we approach a giant sitting on a floating throne."I heard you faced three dragons and a demon!"

"and 5000 symbiotes" Kyle adds with a hint of humor in his voice.

"Who cares about the symbiotes, they are the weakest level of species alive after mortals." the giant snorted.

"Adrian meet Lord Vulcan, God of the forge!" Kyle said as he bowed respectfully.

"I told you to stop that!I'm Vulcan also called Hephaestus." Vulcan utters but seemed pleased.

Adrian follows Kyle's lead and bows as well.Vulcan eyes were glowing, his throne was black and had inticrate designs that glowed a pale orange as well.He wore some kind of body suit which seemed to be fire proof because a random flame would appear on his body before extinguishing.Looking at his eyes closer he noticed they weren't just glowing but flames were coming out of them.He doesn't know how long he stared at them before his robe started smoking.Was it getting warmer, he wondered. When he couldn't hold the gaze for much longer, he dropped to his knees, his body weak.

"He's a quick study I see.So what can I get you?" nodding in approval.

"Standard Equipment for now." Kyle replies

"Right" Vulcan snaps his fingers and one of the glowing suns heads for Adrian hitting him in the chest.The energy envelops his
body and once it cleared, he was covered in the same armour as Kyle.

"Standard equipment?"

The suit covers the whole body except for the head. It was tight,with metal plating on his upper-body, shoulders and arms.

"Running diagnostics" Vulcan states before holograms appeared at the front of his throne.A drone detaches from the throne,
scans him before displaying his information on the holograms
which the god was watching intently.

"The Armor is a full liquid smart-metal which hardens instantly on connection with the user's body. This suit is based off symbiote biology,so it doesn't rely on tech for the initial bonding process with its user, the start-up is completely psionic."

"The suits have a built in camouflage function that activates whenever a possible threat is detected, automatic flight suit, and wrist HUD that also acts as a communicator. They also have  a detachable disk that comes on the suit and is preloaded with two batons." he explains as he points at a glowing disk hovering
infront of him.It had a hologram floating at the center, which Kyle was interacting with.

"The standard appearance is white. When a threat is detected,the color suit changes to black. When wearer of the suit requires
medical attention, the suit changes to red-brown hue. When the threat or
medical condition is no longer a problem, the suit reverts to its standard appareance." he points arm and mutters a few words,when bolt of lighting jumped from his arm before hitting Adrian square in the chest.Adrian flew a few feet into the air before landing on his head.When his vision cleared, his suit was black, the fall should have snapped his neck or at least hurt more than what he felt.He stared at Vulcan who was still watching the information on the holo-screens.If he didn't know better, he'd say the god seemed disturbed.

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now