Chapter 9 : The Gods

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They walk through a garden that seemed to belong in some 18th century royalty's backyard.Amazed at the garden he didn't see the gate.It was a door shaped like a wheel, what caught his eye was the background was different from their surroundings.Through it he could see a grass field and a clear blue sky while the garden surrounded them in all directions.

"These is the gate to the councils' headquaters, the nexus of the realms." Kyle explains.

They climb a flight of stairs before passing through, he felt a vibration at the back of his neck when he touched the barrier that separates the two worlds.It lasted only a second before they were through, but it left a strange hum in his ears.

"Now we fly" Kyle states as a matter of fact.

He watches as Kyle started floating away.Kyle looked back when he noticed Adrian wasn't by his side.

"Dude, let's get going " he says pointing at the sky.In the distance there seemed to be a floating black rock that was approaching.

"I, I... don't know how to fly." he stutters because he couldn't believe which was more nuts,Kyle gliding away like a fairy, or some big rock floating a few miles away from them and Kyle was acting like it was normal to have a meteorite suspended in the air waiting to wipe out whatever or whoever lived on this planet.Did the dinosaurs teach humanity nothing?

Kyle came down, grabbed his arm,waved at it, bringing up a holographic screen and pressed a few holo buttons and a jetpack with a set of wings came out of Adrian's suits' back.

"They're automatic, they have a homing beacon so they'll follow me as we head to towards the Councils palace." he says as he points at the rock.As if on cue,they both started gliding of the ground and in a few seconds they were about a half a mile away from the ground.

Adrian didn't know it but Kyle was recording every moment, he was going to share it with the gang after the council meeting.It would be a great way to introduce Adrian to them.He had a long way to go but he seemed ready to join.Meanwhile ,Adrian was in-between having a heart-attack and having the best time of his life.The environment passed by smoothly, the wind howling ,in a minute or two they'd be at the palace.They were moving fast and he felt he could beat superman at a race.

Before he knew it he was at the rock and upon a closer look, it was more of a spaceship made of some black rock.They headed towards an opening to what seemed like Olymmpus, if Olympus was a spaceship.They floated there absorbing the brilliance, it really was like Olympus, the mountain , rivers, a forest and even ancient greek temples .

Kyle suddenly grabbed his arm before he felt a sudden pull and found himself falling face first into a floor that wasn't there before.The wings stopped his fall an inch from the floor.He took a chance and used his own limbs to stand up and found himself in a circular room full of giant beings like Vulcan, they were all sitting on thrones that glowed with intricate designs.Each throne glowed a different color and the gods sitting on them reflected the color, both with their eyes and there hands and behind them was open space,he could see galaxies forming in the great cosmic dance of the universe. It seemed floating thrones was the trend of the season.

"We have interrupted the normal procedure of things" the being at the center of the group boomed. "Vulcan has alerted us to the new recruit being the next sequence"

Adrian turned to Kyle for some explanation but found him kneeling on one knee.

"Rise" the being said. "Present the report"

Kyle walked to the center of the earth and touches the floor.His hand starts glowing before glyphs start forming where his hand was touching the floor.A moment later a fully formed glyph with a diameter of ten feet started pulsing.He detached his disc and let it hover above the glyph before a hologram of the rescue started playing.It was from Kyle's point of view,they all watched the team in a spaceship.

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now