Chapter 10 : New haven

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After the meeting, the "god king" snapped his fingers and Adrian found himself at the main gate of a gated community.

"Welcome to new haven" he read the sign on the gates out loud.

He stood there for a few minutes not really sure what to he was supposed to do. People were moving in and out of the gates, some were hanging out at what seemed like a park, he stuck out like a sore thumb in his armor. Everyone else had what he might consider as modern fashion. He would have been relieved to be back on earth but the floating structures reminded him of his current dilemma He wanted to walk into the neighborhood but it seemed to have a force field around it, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to pass through. Plus, he didn't want to draw attention to himself anymore than he already did. He noticed no one seemed to be paying attention to his armor

"Fucking gods" he muttered. He was going to head to the park and come up with a plan.

"Don't let them hear you say that" a teenage guy says as he appears out of nowhere.


"They could snap there fingers and we'd all disappear. Best not to anger them, they'd take it out on a lot of people who probably don't deserve it"

"Thanks for the tip" Adrian replied.

"That's what she said" the stranger joked.

It wasn't a very funny joke but Adrian burst out laughing but it was the most relatable thing he had heard since this madness began. He kept laughing until the stranger started laughing too. They probably looked like weirdos.

"I'm Ragnar" the stranger introduced himself.

"Adrian" he replied shaking Ragnar's hand."So Ragnar, where am I?"

"Welcome to the New haven foundation. We run the world!"

"Did you just say,you run the world?"

"Yeah,you've never heard of secret societies that run the world,Illuminati,that sort of thing?"

"Yeah,but that's just a conspiracy theory?Right?"

"Well,we just rescued you from a bunch of demons by the paragons, who are way cooler than the avengers and the fact that we run the world is most shocking?"

"I thought I was hallucinating or something ,can you start from the beginning?"

A flash of white appeared in front of him making him jump back. When the light faded, Kyle was standing in front of him. He looked at him up and down, grabbed his arm,the wrist user interface popped up, he navigated the controls. When he found what he was looking for he pressed it and the armor turned into some sneakers, a white tee and some ripped denim pants.

"I don't have time for this." Kyle muttered in frustration.

"Hey you,what's your name?"

"Ragnar , of house Geneva. Sir!" Ragnar said giving Kyle a salute.

"Aah,House Switzerland,that's good enough!Give him a quick orientation on how things work. Have him report to the halls of fate in 6 days from now, at noon!"

Without warning,Kyle simply vanished. Adrian turned to Ragnar,who he found staring at him in shock.

Adrian cleared his throat a little forcefully.

"Oh right,sorry for staring,it's just,you don't look like a sequence,and they wouldn't send you to the fates if you were just a random soul. Are you the next president?Or some big shot CEO?"

"What?" Adrian asks bewildered, not sure how to respond "and how can I be the next president,I'm dead, and what in the seven hells is a sequence?"

"You don't know what a sequence is ,huh?Never mind,they'll explain in time,but is it true you ended up in hell?Sequences aren't supposed to do that"

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now