Chapter 3 : The end

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Adrian hums sadly as he pulls into the cemetery parking lot, he always made it a priority to visit them on the day of he crash.This time he just wanted to talk to them instead of talking about them.He got out of the car and walked into the cemetery. Instead of being separated ,they had all been buried together,he couldn't remember who's idea it was but he was always grateful for it.

When he finally arrived, he went ahead and placed a gift for each one of them.A rolex for Alvin, gold earrings for Valerie, a collectors footbal jersey for Giovanni and a first edition novel for Rhona.He always left them gifts whenever he visited,he knew that someone probably came and took them but he didn't really care.He always imagined them in heaven anticipating his gifts, showing them off to the angels .

"Who knew death could be so boring.If it weren't for the books you bring I'd literally kill myself" he heard Rhona's voice in his head.

"Go ahead, while you're reading I get to go to angel parties rocking a rolex and versace" Alvin replied. "How can this be heaven and there isn't a single Gucci shop.I hope we didn't end up in heaven for broke people.What did he get you Val?"

"I got gold earrings from Christian Dior, Adrian just knows how to spoil a woman the right way.I'm with Alvin, they should open more high-end stores here.Maybe bring me a kinky dress next time?There is this one cute guy from the 1200s who keeps eyeing me.My very own Edward Cullen." Val joins the banter.She was always obsessed with the Twilight series,she binge watched the movies every month and read the books at least twice a year.

"Is that all you think about?Boys?We're in heaven for crying out loud,you literally highfived Jesus this morning and now you're about to whore yourself to the walking dead?Lord have mercy!I hear hell
is quite warm this time of year incase they kick you out" Giovanni retorts. "Thanks for the jersey, I'll hang it up with my other collectors items.They don't have football here and I miss collecting football merch"

That was how most conversations went,Alvin and Val were more into flashy displays of wealth.The latest clothes, the flashiest cars while Rhona and Giovanni preffered rare collectors items.One thing
they all had in common was their expensive taste .

He played the different narratives in his head for a while longer,he sniffled as he wiped the tears running down his cheeks.

"Hey guys, I hope you're all having a blast in the after-life.I just came from the graduation ceremony,top of my class but I turned down being valedictorian.They even let you graduate, you lazy bastards, always slacking" he chuckles."But we made it,this is the time we were supposed to part ways and start new lives far aways from LA while meeting new people.This was supposed to be the beginning of our lives, I was supposed to be at all your weddings giving embarrasing speeches. Like that one time Alvin ran down the streets naked when he got white-boy wasted for the first time, or when Val ended up puking on some film producer.Or when we were eleven and Rhona was locked inside the public library and instead of calling out for help she just sat there and kept reading.We literally thought she had been kidnapped and she had the audacity to tell the cops she was educating herself on why black lives matter,smart ass !She's lucky her parents asked the library not to press charges,otherwise we'd be visiting her in juvy".He smiled at the memory, at the time he thought it was the coolest thing ever.

"Some of us are just unlucky,it's unfair what happened.It's unfair that I was the one who got to live,it's unfair that everytime I see your parents, I feel like they wished I had been the one to die and one of you should have survived.It's unfair that everyday I wake up guilty and sometimes when no-one is watching I just break down."

"I kept my promise to live all our lives in one,it wasn't easy but I did it.But I can't do it anymore"he chokes and pauses to sob.He did this for a while before continuing.

 : Choice (Book 1 : The Nairda Series)Where stories live. Discover now