Interlude 1

16 1 5

Authors Note

Hey guys! Sorry for the unannounced hiatus in the story >.<

Life got a little busy and I sort of lost the thread of the story to be honest... Let me know if you guys are still interested in it haha. I do want to get back into writing and continue this fic. I really like Leila's character and I wanna expand upon her more, that's honestly whats driving me to not completely drop 'Encounter.'

Soooo, as a way to help me get back into feel of this story, I started writing a lil fluff scene with Yoongi and Leila. The scene doesn't rlly fit into the timeline of the story , it's just something I felt like writing. I'm just gonna post it here and see what you guys think of it. So enjoy!

WARNING: It's super short !!

PS: Let me know what other little scenarios like this you want me to write until I get into the mood of the fic! I'll take requests :3

Leila looked down at her watch absently. It was half past 5pm. The early autumn sun flickered weakly on it's honey backdrop, preparing its daily descent on the western horizon.

The days have already grown shorter, Leila thought as she watched a middle aged man push a stroller past the park bench she'd been sitting on for the past half hour. A moment later, a young woman jogged by in the opposite direction, leaving only the echoes of music from her airpods spilling out behind her. Leila smiled contently to herself as she sat back to take in the serene park scenery before her. A park like this, with grass a bit too green yet trees that rustled crispy leaves in the wind served as a mirage of an oasis in the desert of an ashy city. What a beautiful oxymoron, she thought.

A chilly gust whistled around her, jostling caramelized leaves off the trees above her head. Leila shivered. As the days grew shorter, the weather grew colder. The young photographer hugged her long but thin black faux leather shirt she'd styled over a fluffy cream turtle neck sweater and black jeans. She should've opted for a proper jacket instead. Her film camera slung across her body by it's worn brown strap, nestled safely on her lap. Beside her was an untouched cup of an iced americano which had begun to sweat off the excess water of its melting ice.

"Sorry, I'm late again aren't I?"

Leila looked up at the sound of the voice, her smile growing wider at the sight of the person before her. He wore glasses today, black frames that matched his messily parted dark hair. He still looked quite sophisticated though with his long black coat over his light colored sweater. With one hand he clutched onto the strap of the protruding guitar case that was slung over his shoulder, his other hand holding onto a spiral notebook stuffed with loose music sheets.

"A bit actually." Leila replied springing to her feet. She picked up the iced americano with her.

Yoongi let out a disheartened sigh. "I promise this is the last time."

"Now don't make promises you can't keep." Leila chuckled lightly, slipping his notebook out of his hand and passing the coffee to him.

Yoongi frowned slightly. "How do you know I can't keep it?" he asked, eyeing the drink in his hand.

"I just know." Leila answered briefly. "Just like I knew to get you your favorite drink."

Yoongi took a sip and scrunched his nose as he swallowed. "It's watery though," he teased.

Leila waived him off and walked past him down the trail. "That's what you get for being late."

Yoongi frowned again and jogged up to her. "Y'know I'm sorry about it right? It's just that the rehearsal took longer than expected and I know we haven't been able to meet often my schedule's been so busy lately-"

Leila stopped walking; turning to her boyfriend, she rested her hand on his sleeve. "Yoongi it's ok. I'm just happy I got to see you today."

Yoongi stared at her for a while. "Hold my coffee." He suddenly requested.

"Huh? Why?" Leila questioned taking the cup.

"Because I want to hold your hand." The young musician smiled a bit timidly, holding out a hand for his girlfriend to take.

Leila raised a brow and crossed her hands over her chest. "That's disappointing, I wanted a kiss." She looked down at his hand.

"Stop being so cold and c'mere," Yoongi pulled Leila closer by her arm and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Leila leaned up closer into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. She could taste the iced americano with every earnest movement of their lips.

Yoongi suddenly shivered, feeling the cold wet coffee cup brush against the nape of his neck. "Ah, that's cold." He whispered against her lips.

Leila blushed pulling back. "My bad," she apologized sheepishly. While returning her arms to her side, she slipped her free hand in his, clasping her fingers tightly around his. "That's what you get for drinking iced drinks even in cold weather." She grumbled, turning away from him to avoid eye contact.

Yoongi entangled his finger with hers and smiled to himself. "I can't help what I like." he answered coolly, raising their hands to his lips and kissed the back of Leila's hand.

The photographer blushed even more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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