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As he walked, Prosciutto let his mind wander to all the questions he had been conjuring about the moon. Could it have really disappeared from the sky, just like that? For so long, too? Where could it have gone?

Even if he did miss his 'therapist', however slightly, it's not like he could do anything. After all, what the hell can a mere human do when the moon disappears? Clearly not much.

Shaking his head, Prosciutto internally scolded himself for finding attachment to the missing visitor of the night, reminding himself that he was supposed to be done with such childish things.

As he trudged down the desolate street, cold wind snapping at his skin, he began to hear footsteps approach him at a rapid pace.

They were light, and quick in pace... Was someone planning to attack him from behind? No, he wouldn't allow that-- He's a careful man and doesn't allow anyone the privilege of having the upper hand on him.

Prosciutto whipped around to face the approaching person, ready for a fight with his fists balled at his side. Though, his guard soon dropped when he locked eyes with this peculiar stranger, questions running a million miles a second in his head.

Toward him came running an ethereal woman of glowing skin, adorned with crevices that reminded him of the moons craters. Little stars tangled themselves in her hair magnificently, which floated in the air as if it were submerged in water. 

Unfortunately, there wasn't much covering the woman on this freezing night, just a mere nightgown made of thin, white fabric draped over her (s/c) body-- Yes, not even a pair of shoes shielded her feet from the asphalt road, though that didn't hinder her determination to reach Prosciutto.

"He-hey! I've finally found you!" She chirped, bounding toward him at an even quicker pace, all before skidding to a halt right in front of him.

Up close, he could see a swirl of colors dancing in her eyes like the cosmos, and each time she blinked, the tiny lights held in her sockets would twinkle brilliantly. "You never visit me anymore, what happened to you?" She whined.

Rightfully suspicious, and confused, Prosciutto backed away from the lady and grimaced, "You've got the wrong guy, chick. Go home, it's too dark out for a lady like yourself to be walking around--" He eyed her clothing, "--dressed like that."

"But it's you, Prosciutto! I'd recognize that spunky hairstyle anywhere!" She pressed, nearing him again. "Why dont you visit me anymore? Do you hate me?"

"Listen, I just told you I have no idea who you are, so if you could kindly screw off-"

"I came all this way to see you, and you're going to push me away again?" She sounded almost disappointed; desperate, even. "I-I can prove to you that we know each other!"

"Really?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Go on, amuse me. Prove it."

"You-you have a half-brother named Pesci, right? You said you were tired of him being so sheepish during missions, and wanted him to mature a little! And Ghiaccio, you said you hated how loud he is all the time, and disliked that Formaggio would always mess with him just to hear him rage!"

Curiouser and curiouser, did Prosciutto become. This lady, she hadn't shared personal secrets or deep details about himself like most informants would, she blatantly referenced actual conversations he'd had... With the moon.

𝕭𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓 𝕷𝖆 𝕷𝖚𝖓𝖆 | Prosciutto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now