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(2.5k words to wrap up this fic! one chapter left to write [or maybe two if I stretch it out])


Ghiaccio stood at the ledge of the roof, just as Prosciutto had, and found himself terrified. It was not that he was afraid of heights, nor that he was having doubts about the risky plan he was going along with-- It was the fear that he may be dreaming giving him second thoughts. 

What if he was about to do what Prosciutto did? Jump off the roof to his death without even realizing, under the impression he was among the clouds and stars on his way to Lady? Would he survive if he fell?

And, what if by chance, it wasn't a dream? If what he was about to do was of his own accord in his reality, could he stand the possibility of slipping off one of the stars thousands of meters from the earth? Brains spilt along roads, blood trails stretching for miles, limbs strung on electrical wires like bobbles on a Christmas tree-- it wouldn't be a pretty sight.

"If you're having doubts," Melone said, watching as he hesitated before the first star. "We can think of something else."

Ghiaccio stared down at the glittering, twinkling ball of wonder and thought. He thought for a while, a long while; long enough to make the rest of the team consider he may not have even been mentally present.

He was the only one that could do it with the least amount of risk for failure, logically speaking. It'd been discovered a while back, through Lady's own words, that the little stars emit their own oxygen, though not enough for someone to rely on in a sprint with no other source of air. 

If he managed to control his breathing while up there, in the air-tight vacuum of space, his suit could filter the oxygen and conserve it in useful breaths. If Melone did the math right, and he hoped he did, he'd have enough to get to the moon and then some. 

"No, it's... Fine. I'll be ok." He wasn't sure if he said that to answer the question, or if he was really trying to reassure himself. "I'm gonna be fine."

"Are you sure? We don't need you up there while you're not in a good headspace." Illuso pressed.

"Quit nagging me, I said I'm gonna be fine, so I'm gonna be fine. Do you not want me to go or something?"

"Not at all, just worried."

Huffing, Ghiaccio dusted the edges of his blades, carefully so as not to cut himself, and neared the edge of the roof again. If he were sleeping, now would be the time to wake up, he told himself. 

He didn't wake, and took that as a sign to press his foot onto the first star.

It had a bit of give, like the rubber floor to a trampoline, which was odd as they'd usually had a bit more stiffness to their hold. It could've had something to do with Lady's extended absence, or maybe not, though it's what he liked to believe.

Slowly, before he could much realize he was damn near in a half-split, the star began to shroud away and pull toward the sky, acting as an almost-but-not-quite escalator.  

Brought into a sudden panic over the stretch, Ghiaccio threw all his weight onto the one foot to balance on the star, letting the rest float to their place in front of him as they marched into the night; Only briefly did he look back at his teammates in question, who only seemed to wish him luck on his mission.

It was relatively easy to walk on the stars when wearing actual shoes, though it was still plagued with a sort of difficulty-- So it's not hard to imagine how much harder it was to climb them on thin skates without slipping. On top of that, the stars would dip horribly beneath his weight, to the point he nearly had to hike up them. 

𝕭𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓 𝕷𝖆 𝕷𝖚𝖓𝖆 | Prosciutto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now