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"What's that in your hand?"

Illuso had never, not once ever in his time working as a hitman, questioned his capo. His word was always final, his wish the teams command. He'd never felt unease or distrust, at least until today.

He wants to just play it off, pretend he doesn't know what he's talking about as he clutches the stars harder, nearly burning himself-- But Risotto isn't stupid, and hates anyone who wastes their time trying to deceive him.

"It's something for Ghiaccio, something of Lady's that belonged to her before she left. I thought it might cheer him up a bit." Illuso prayed his half-truth would convince the capo enough to let him by, but unfortunately, it seemed as if he always knew when he never got the full story.

"How kind." He said, ducking his head under the door frame to walk out of the room. "Would you mind if I see it?"

"I think it's a bit of a personal thing, capo. Would it be alright if I let Ghiaccio have it first?"

"Why can't you show me what it is?"

It was a good question, one that Illuso didn't even know the answer to. It was more of a gut feeling if anything, an instinct that roared in his mind to tell him not to say a word. But why? Risotto isn't a monster, and while he didn't much enjoy Lady's presence, he's more protective of his team than anything, and would probably do anything to make them happy. 

Slowly, his reluctant hand drew from his pocket, fingers scooping up the mass of stars in a bunch, his conscience still screaming, for whatever reason, for him to hide them away like before. He can trust Risotto. He can trust Risotto. 

But as he presented them to his capo, sparkling and twinkling with that unmistakable chime, he knew he should've listened to his gut. In one swift swipe, Risotto snatched the stars into his large palm and thundered off down the hall, Illuso running like a mad man after him, demanding o know what he was planning to do with them. 

With a sharp turn into his office, Risotto stomped over to his desk and pulled open a drawer, full of miscellaneous items, and a jar which he pulled from the pile. In that fit of anger, he stuffed them into the little glass space, each and every one he got his hands on, and sealed the lid as tight as he could before running tape along the rim, so that it may never be opened again.

"Thank you for giving these to me, Illuso." He said in that familiar monotone voice, though it seemed more aggravated than before. "You're dismissed."

"Capo, what are you doing? Why would you-"

"Lady was a plague, a weakness, and she had to go for us to get back as we were. If this is the only remaining evidence of her ever even being here, then I'm glad I can get rid of it."

It was then that Illuso wished that Risotto had actually connected with Lady like the others had, though not for the reason many would think. No, he didn't mean that so he would have a positive outlook on the moon-woman like the rest of the team, he just wished he joined in for one of those talks about space.

"Capo, please forgive me for asking, but what is it you mean by that?" 

"I already explained myself. Lady made you all soft, so now with her gone, you can go back to normal."

"No, capo, that's actually the opposite of what she did, but that's not important-- Do you realize what you just did!?" Illuso half-screamed.

"Raise your voice like that again, and I'll cut off your tongue."

"No! Capo, stars needs to breathe or they'll die!"

Something told Illuso that's exactly what he desired, though in the grand scheme of things, not what he wanted.

𝕭𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓 𝕷𝖆 𝕷𝖚𝖓𝖆 | Prosciutto X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now