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"Never give up, no matter how dark things seem."

That rang through Tels Eto mind over and over, even after when the Clone Wars ended.


Sounds of the village somewhere on the planet of Mikkia echoed through the Eto's household. The chopping of a blade on wood kept to the rhythm of labor songs being sang out on the dirt streets from the farmers. Tels pulled herself out of bed making sure not to wake up Lerik, her younger brother. Humidity clung to her midnight blue skin as she peered out of the open window to see carts of red and yellow meiloorun fruits, flies and mosquitos hovered around the hard working Mikkians. Her eyes landed on a sky blue Mikkian male who was walking towards their house.

"Papa!" Tels shouted out the window in the Mikkian language, it sounded smooth and musical.

She ran past her brother and ripped off the thin blanket to wake him. Pushing aside the red and yellow curtain that separated their room from the main room, she raced outside onto the busy streets.

"My child! My beautiful, little girl is home," cried out Tels' father as tears ran down his face.

Tels buried her face in her father's chest and held onto him.

"Beshir, I've missed you," a women's voice called out from behind in soft tonations.

Beshir caressed his wife's face, "I missed you, too."

A little plum Mikkian boy wedged his ways into their embrace and squeezed his father tightly. Bending down, Beshir planted a kiss on Lerik's head, and kissed Tels' cheek.

"Give your father some room. He just returned from gathering those fruits, so he must be exhausted," scolded Shraa, her blue eyes narrowed on Lerik and Tels.

Beshir confirmed, "Listen to your mother."

"Sir, yes, sir," replied Tels while she carried Lerik in on her shoulders.

Lerik complained, "Let me down!"

"Fine," Tels retorted and plopped Lerik down on a stool.

Beshir and Shraa entered a quaint room that had Lerik and Tels sitting on two out of  four stools. Across from the siblings was a fireplace and a work station for cooking, a family portrait hung over the fireplace. Dark soil swirled in the air when Tels kicked her bare feet on the floor.

Shraa pawned off a leather pack to Lerik who brought it to their parent's room. Then, Tels scooted over the remaining wooden stools, it creaked under the weight of her father, and he settled there. Lerik and Tels gather at their father's feet expecting a story like how he always did after a trip to the northern jungle.

"You aren't being patient this time," commented Beshir who wore a grin.

Lerik asked, "Can you tell us a quick story, then we'll be out the door."

Beshir put up his hand in defeat, "Alright, alright. Where to begin?"

Tels and Lerik listened to their father's embellished story that amazed Lerik, however Tels was old enough to know when Beshir exaggerated the truth. That didn't stop from Tels leaning in when the story became intense and letting a sigh of relief when Beshir escaped trouble. As quickly as the story began Shraa shooed the kids out the door to give their father a break.

"What do you want to do?" Lerik asked while they strolled down one of the many street in their village.

Tels thoughtfully stated, "There's an old SS-54 assaults ship out by the lake. Nobody knows about and guess who knows how to pilot it."

"No one does." complained Lerik then his eyes lit up, "You could though. Didn't you fly one?"

"Only one, however once you learn to fly one assaults ship you can fly the rest of them, Lee," explained Tels and beckoned for Lerik to follow her.

The pair scurried down a rocky trail that jutted off of the main road that wrapped through their quaint village. Gigantic palm trees shadowed Tels and Lerik under the turquoise sky, tall thick grass sprang up, melodic birds echoed each other in the branches. Flat, waxy fronds the size of tree stumps lined the path.

Scents of decaying plants and soil caressed Lerik's nose. "Are we getting close?"

Tels rolled her cerulean eyes. "Maybe."

Tels lead Lerik through a patch of thick underbrush to a clearing. On the opposite side a rusty metal gleamed in the hot day, shattered glass sparkled in the vibrant grass. Two adjustable spars protruded towards the aft of the ship and up to the top of the tree line. Dirt covered chunks of metal that was broken off of the body of the assaults ship.

Metal scrapped Tels' hand as she ran it across the rough duralloy siding. Pushing with all her strength the door screeched to the side, then Tels waved her hand to Lerik. Lerik's eyes widened in wonder while he followed Tels in the large main chamber that led to a narrow hallway. 

"Come on!" Tels called out her shoulder as she headed down the hall to the cockpit.

Lerik pushed past Tels to the pilot's seat and hopped on, his feet dangled a few inches off the ground. The many tendrils on Lerik's head swirled in curiosity when he steered the handle. He looked up to Tels waiting for her to explain how it works. 

Tels sat down by Lerik and began instructing to press the bountiful levers and buttons that coated the panel. Metal clicked against metal while Lerik pretended they were in a battle. Smiling faintly, Tels joined her brother and became his copilot.


In the following weeks Tels received news from the Galactic Empire stating that she had the opportunity to attend the University of Bar'leth on the planet of Bar'leth. Tels took the time to speak to her family and decided that she wanted to do more than just live on her home world. With a tearful departure Tels left Mikkia to pursue her dream of becoming something more.

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