Artifice: 20

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Kulan tapped his foot to the low drum beats, each a slow strike, the Huttese accented lyrics rang out loudly. The band of a few Theelins and Twi'leks cracked their drums and gongs to an almost mournful melody. Next to him, Pascal observed the swarm of sentient beings as if she was searching for something, someone as she gripped her glass tightly.

Off in the distance Tels was mingling with her fellow captains and higher ups, a smile was plastered across her face. Too many faces for Tels to remember bombarded her with questions about her experience with the school system and where she'll find herself in five years. Each becoming more personal than the last, some of the humans avoided her.

A baritone voice startled Tels, "I'm glad to see that you made it, Captain Eto."

Tels spun around to see a Chiss, his short, black hair contrasted greatly with his smooth blue skin, red eyes narrowed on Tels. She greeted the Chiss warmly, "How have you been Admiral Thrawn? It's always a delight to see you."

"I can say the same about you. How are you adjusting back to the Empire?" asked Thrawn.

"You know, the same old drills and training that everyone has to do. It's been nice to be back. I almost missed all of my colleagues until I got the usual treatment," blatantly replied Tels.

Thrawn shrugged. "I know what you mean, however it is not important in the grand scheme."

"As usual you make more sense than I ever will in my whole life. I'm not sure if I told you this, but you're my role model." complimented Tels, "I'm proud to know you and I'm proud of the work that you have done. I believe that you have made the galaxy into a better place."

"Thank you, I'm only doing my job," quickly spat out Thrawn, he didn't seem to know how to respond.

"How's Eli?" Tels leaned on her heels.

"Last I heard he went back to Lysatra to his wife and kids." recalled Thrawn, "It's been awhile since I have seen him and he appeared to be happy."

"I'm glad to hear that. It's also been a long time since I've run into Eli. I hope he's doing well and-," Tels said until Kulan ran up to her, short of breath.

"Is this the art guy! I can't remember his name." Kulan interrupted and held up his hand while he tried to remember, "I have to know this. You're a big deal in the Imperial Army because you broke down a lot of walls of racism. You're Grand Admiral Thrawn!"

Thrawn glared at Kulan, then in a blink of an eye his face was neutral again. "The art guy?"

"That's my fault. I have a hard time remembering everyone's names, so I gave them nicknames." revealed Tels, "Like Captain Rigoram Hanher is food guy because he makes amazing Chagrian meals. Commander Joujacl Whitbur is music lady since she plays the Kloo Horn beautifully."

"I see," inquired Thrawn.

"I've heard about some of the rare art pieces you have. It's absolutely amazing that it's still around! I love how all the culture's richness is captured in one image. It gives insight to how the society is set up, their way of life. Plus, the soul of the artist." geeked out Kulan, his eyes wide with excitement, "Sorry, I can go on about his for ages."

"I am pleased to know there is another art lover. A few pieces in my collection come from the furthest parts of the galaxy." explained Thrawn, "It gives me insight into our enemies."

Kulan said, "I totally agree. The essence of the sentient being goes into the item and..."

Tels stopped listening to Kulan yammering about whatever was next, Thrawn nodded, deep in thought. The sounds of the music picked up in speed, it amplified greatly across the grand hall. Wandering through the crowd gave Tels a sense of security because nobody recognized her. It was a given that Kulan, Thrawn and her stood out due to their heritage, but in this mass she blended in.

As Tels glided through the mess of limbs, making sure that she didn't bump anyone. The lights above glowed brighter as the sun settled behind the buildings and the noises of the city dampened. Her eyes darted through the gray ocean, looking for her kiffar friend when she felt a light tap.

Tels looked down to see Nehemiah, a bright grin curled across Nehemiah's face. "Captain Nehemiah, it's nice to see you again. How are you holding up?"

"I believe you mean Commander Nehemiah." proudly announced the Commander, "I've been doing very well. Since I was promoted I moved fully to Coruscant and I get paid very well. Later this month my husband and kids should be moving here."

Tels scratched her back tendrils. "That's fantastic! I'm sorry, what was your husband's name?"

"It's Kozceso. The twins, Ojop'jeci and Pawpeme, are about two now," shared Nehemiah as she pulled out a photo. Nehemiah was happily in the embrace of a pale yellow twi'lek male, two golden kids hanging from his arms.

"That's fantastic. I couldn't imagine balancing work with motherhood. How do you like being a commander?" Tels thought of as she racked her brain for questions.

"I feel like I'm finally making a difference, I get the chance to create a safe place in the galaxy for my kids and others. It makes me happy to know that I can make other sentient beings feel secure." Nehemiah confidently said, "Plus, I get to do work that I enjoy."

Tels flinched back as if she was stung at Nehemiah's words, guilt settled in her chest. Then, disgust filled the back of her throat as she thought of the war crimes committed by the Empire. There was so much that she didn't know, didn't want to know.

Nehemiah took a step forward. "Are you okay, Tels?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just need some air, it's a little stuffy in here," brushed off Tels while she walked away.

Nehemiah waved. "Okay, it was really nice to see you. Next time you come to Coruscant come over for dinner and bring Kulan and Frank."

Tels disappeared through the stream of humans who darted towards the end of the room with the throne. Thick bile built in her gullet, her heat pounded in her ears, sweat brimmed Tels' forehead. As she brushed past a pack of soldiers, Tels felt a tug on her sleeve. Pascal stood by her with worried eyes, the kiffar paled greatly since they first arrived.

"Pascal, sorry that I lost you. I thought Kulan was with you until I ran into him," apologized Tels.

Pascal dismissed it, "Don't worry about it. I'm doing better than I thought I would."

"Are you sure? We can go to a quieter area or go outside," suggested Tels.

"It won't help. Everything here holds a memory," confessed Pascal, her hand still clutching Tels' sleeve.

"I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. We can just stand here and listen to the music if you want?" Tels slipped Pascal's hand into her own, "It always calms me down."

Pascal gazed at the band. "That would be nice."

Tels and Pascal swayed to the music like grass in gentle gale, the chords leapt off the walls with the heartbeat of the song. A coarse voice split across the grand chamber and bounced off the stone and metal walls. Off in the distance Tels saw Kulan speaking to Thrawn and a few other officers. A bright light gleamed in Kulan's eyes and Tels smiled to herself.

Pascal looked up to Tels, her eyes softened at the sight and they stayed there for hours.


The Guardian settled on one of the numerous landing pads of the Imperial Palace. Vass slipped on her helmet and led her squad off the ship. Sheb'ika and his soldiers stayed on their ship that was on the other side of the palace. They waited for the signal.

Bankole's storm troopers walked in perfect unison up to the huge doors and opened it. Krekor tightly gripped his blaster as they entered the chilling labyrinth of corridors. Alta kept to his side, making sure they wouldn't falter, it was too late now to go back. While more doors were shoved out of the way, Yarla slowed her heartbeat with each of Raeth's steps. He made sure to slow down for Yarla.

Stopping at a long staircase, Vass felt a lump in her throat as she looked down at the guests. A blue figure towered above their Agent, a grim expression cut across Bankole's face. Near them Kulan stood out like a sore thumb.

In a blink of an eye where once the traitors stood was now empty. Vass signaled for her squad to split up and to search the Imperial Palace until the threat was contained.

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