Prologue: New Vestroia

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AN: this involves with song I don't own the song or the video

Eli's POV

Wow three years since we saved earth from the Naga incident and I wasn't the best at helping...correction I didn't help at all since I never brawl and I never had my Bakugan only my older brother did but he live with dad since mom find out about dad cheating on her with another woman and My brother just wanted to live with him since he doesn't want to be with me because I'm useless and I can't blame him I mean everything happened because of me mom always tells me that is not my fault and I want to be there for her through thick and thin wish is what I didn't

I got back from shopping and My mom went to move to another country due to her business trip, so now I'm alone in the house I sighed and I walk to my room and I see the picture of me with the Battle Brawlers, Dan, Marucho, Runo, Julie, Shun, and Alice, they're very close to me and I heard that Dan and Runo were supposed to be Dating confusing and I didn't want to interfere but...something did happened, today I was supposed to visit now Ex-boyfriend because I caught him in bed with...Minato...I was shocked, how could he do this to me with my own brother Klaus looks at me before he could say anything I ran out of his house and I went back home crying and I was gonna call Alice but she said that she's on a date with someone named Lev Haiba, and told me that she'll call back once she's done so she hangs up, then I called Marucho and he said that he's busy with something big, I called Runo but she texted that she's on a Date with Dan and then Hang up, next I tried to call Shun, but he doesn't respond, probably training, well they...I'm not surprised they didn't care about me, don't get me wrong they are having their personal lives but they did something in common...they hang up on me before I could say anything to them, that's when I decided to not to trust them again

I decided to grab my guitar and turn the amplifier on and start playing it that I unconsciously start singing

Once I finished singing my song that I wrote I heard a weird noise and I take it off and I see a portal and I was shocked and with widen eyes I didn't see this before maybe Is a hologram?, so with my curiosity taking the best of me I but I grab a pair of shoes in case and I walk toward the portal I literally got sucked in and I look back and I see that I'm getting far from my room and I appeared in a...forest and the Sun is getting set and I decided to went find a fire wood wish I did and I turn up the fire with the lucky lighter that I have, and no I don't Smoke, I just wanted to have a lighter in case if is necessary I really didn't regret having one,

once is night, I lay back on the ground and looked up the sky and said to myself "well...this is not how I want to start my vacation" I sighed and I heard some clicking sound and I sit up and look at the direction where it came from I ran and I see something blue stuck to a meat eating plant of course I ran towards it and I notice that the blue thing is actually a Bakugan, I realize where I am...I'm at New Vestroia but enough about me I have to save the little Bakugan Pull the plant from both sides of it's...mouth with it open the Bakugan falls down and I caught it

I look at it and it still looks at me and I put my hand in front of it and say "hey little guy" I noticed that it jumped back and I say "hey, don't be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you, promise" the little Bakugan looks at me and then jumps in my hand

I heard maybe a familiar voice saying "see Elfin I told you he's a nice human"

I look where the voice's from and I see a familiar Bakugan and a Unfamiliar one, My eyes widen at this and say smiling "Preyas Angelo!"

Angelo switches to Diablo "don't forget about me"

I then say smiling brighter "Diablo!"

Diablo then say "I know you you're Minato's Brother"

I felt cringe when they mentioned my brother I just want to move on

the Bakugan who's with him ask "you mean this is the Human who never brawl in his life?"

they nod and add "he sure is"

the Bakugan ask "what's so special about him since he never brawl"

Angelo said "Eli may not be a brawler back then, but he does anything he can to help Marucho and the others save the Earth and Vestroia from Naga"

the Bakugan looks at me and sighs and looks at Angelo and said "Alright we're doing this"

I look at them confusedly and ask "what do you guys mean?"

the unfamiliar Bakugan said "first of, Elfin's the name, and you're gonna be our new partner"

















"EEEEEEEEEH!?!?!?" I panickingly scream as I grow confused "what's goin on!?"

Diablo switch to Angelo and explains "Eli, the Vexals invaded New Vestroia and capture all the Bakugan, and we can't do anything about it, if you help us, this is your chance that you can come out of your comfort Zone"

I look back at the fire and then back at the three Bakugan including the one I have in hand I said "I'm not sure how I can...but I'll do my best"

Angelo cheered as they sits on my left shoulder and Elfin sits on my right "I knew I can count on you" Switches to Diablo "he's right we knew you can do it"

Elfin then says to me "I won't let you down...Partner"

I reply to her "likewise...Partner" we heard a sound of a ship

I look at the Bakugan and ask "what was that?"

we see a black ship with blue details as Elfin says "that's Mylene's ship"

I ask "Mylene?"

Diablo replies "we heard that she's the strongest Aquos Brawler in Vexal, and she's part of the group called the Vexos, serving the the king and prince of Vexal"

I nodded and say with a bad gut feeling "that doesn't sound good"

Elfin replies "well you can say that again"

I see the Wontu are been taken away I'm getting pissed at what am I seeing right now I climb up to a three as feeling the three Bakugan in my back Pocket and riskily I jump on the Chip and I Climb up and I get to the top of the ship and once I get up I lock eyes with the one leading with is a blue teal colored hair and I felt shock from behind and everything turn black, and this is not how I want to end my night

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