𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 ; the sauna test

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THE TWO must've made it back to Will's house eventually, because Amelia was startled awake on a worn-out couch when Will ran out of his room, yelling. "Mel! Up, now! Code red, we gotta go."

"Where are we going?" Amelia questioned, sitting up in alarm as she watched Will shove his shoes on by the door. He appeared to be feeling better after his sob session last night.


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"I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it," Will spoke as the party surrounded him. "The first time I felt it was at Day of the Dead."

"Power went out that night." Amelia added, Mike nodding his head. "And then again at the field near the Nelson farm, the next day."

"It's like. . . you know when you drop on a rollercoaster?" Everyone nodded except El. "Like your body is sinking all at once, but this. . . this is worse. Your body gets cold, and you can't breathe. I felt it before, whenever he was close."

"Whenever who was close?" Max furrowed her brows. Everyone knew who Will was talking about at this point. "The Mind Flayer."

"I closed the gate," El spoke. "I know, but— what if he never left? What if he's locked out here with us?" Will said, turning to Amelia.

Will stood up, followed by Amelia because their hands were interlocked. He slammed a piece of paper and a black crayon on the table. On the paper, he drew a large circle.

"This is him. All of him," Will began. "But that day on the field, a part of him attached himself to me." He wiped his hand across the circle, the crayon smearing on his hand. "My mom got it out of me and Eleven closed the gate," Will flipped the paper upside down. "But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?" he slammed his hand against the paper, leaving a handprint. "In Hawkins."

"I don't understand- the Demodogs died when El closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies." Max voiced.

"We can't take any chances," Mike spoke. "We have to assume the worst. The Mind Flayer's back."

A shiver ran through Amelia's spine.

"Yeah," Will spoke softly. "And if he is, he'd wanna attach himself to someone again. A new me."

"A new host," Lucas caught on.

Amelia, Max and El shared a look. "How can you tell if someone is a host?" El asked. There was silence.

"You guys got time for a swim?" Amelia questioned.

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"I don't know," Max started. "He looks pretty normal to me."

"Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas asked.

"I mean, it's a little weird."

"More than a little," Mike argued. "He was in a tub of ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus, everything else—"

"But he's lounging at the pool, which is like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever," Max insisted.

"Not necessarily," Will spoke.

Amelia turned to Will, the party following her actions. "The Mind Flayer. . . likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like— you're dormant. And then. . . when he needs you, you're activated."

"Okay, so, we just. . . wait until he gets activated."

"No. What if he hurts someone?" Mike questioned.

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