Chapter 2

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Within the year that passed my creator trained me on how to use weapons. He told me in a kind yet serious manner that it was important to learn such things in these times. It was hard to learn how to handle shooting weapons, however I soon did well with knives and other throwing weapons. My sensitive eyes came in handy at this task. While I got trained, Sasha stayed over at our new friend, who happened to be an old lady who lived next to us in another house. She also taught Sasha more about sewing and so she started creating clothing for me as well soon enough. One evening when Sasha was already asleep, my creator sat down on the floor in front of the chimney next to me.

„Do you think you could handle taking a job?"

Questioning I looked at him.

„It's a job that is dirty, but you seem skilled enough to figure it out. It would get us quite the money as well. Sure only if you want."

After he took a sip out of his beer he looked at me, awaiting an answer.

„What is that job about tho?"


A little nervous I blinked and looked away, thinking about it. Taking a life to get money? At first I didn't like the idea, so I denied. Too many lives had already been taken out there. He nodded but started talking.

„The world changed, Scyaram darling. Kindness will no longer help in all situations. Some people simply don't care about what you think is right. I understand that this time is difficult for you, but you gotta understand. Dangerous jobs bring the most money and you are very talented. If you don't want to do it for yourself or for me, then think about Sasha. You'd do anything for her, now wouldn't you?"

Emotional I looked at the ground. To me, my creator was truly always right, at least for quite a time. He always knew better and I believed every word, even if it would be a lie. So after rethinking and listening to his words I looked at him, agreeing to do the job. For Sasha. It was as strange, but I could feel myself becoming cold towards strangers. I started seeing suspicious people around me and many crimes were stopped by my hand by committing the crime to take the life. Soon I stopped caring if my target had a family or not, which social status they had. It was an easy job if one got used to it. Not to brag, but I never left any signs to the police, so they could never suspect me. With my new side of slight skepticism came my curiosity as well. Because even though I did gather quite an amount, we only had as much to get enough food for the month. Me and my creator had our first actual big argument when I discovered that he used the money not only to pay bills he couldn't pay in the past, but also alcohol. He had changed, but seemingly I was the only one noticing. Of course. He was too drunk at night and Sasha was always protected by me. Sadly I had to ask my sister one day if she could start helping out as well. Not in the same business as me, but selling things. Certain things. The first few times I was staying with her for safety, but as long as the costumers got what they wanted, they weren't going to harm her. I used up a bunch of money for some safety reasons for Sasha. It was better than anything my creator had done for her in quite some time. Three years later another sudden change happened however. Sasha, now with her 8 years, would finally be able to visit the school. Both of us were excited about that. Even with me and my creator not having the best connection anymore, we still had a sweet celebration day for my sister. Like every evening when we could be together, me and her created a fake-radio broadcast in our room. It was a creative role-play we did and enjoyed a lot.

„Scyaram, you should be a news anchor in the radio! Everybody could hear your amazing broadcast from all over the world. You'd be a Superstar, only in the radio!"

I chuckled and looked at her.

„You think? But I'm really shy."

„But you're doing really cool!"

After looking at her for a little moment I got up, acting a little.

„Oh, the mighty Sasha has such great solutions for every update in life! As a price, she gets a radio-crown, the price of honor!"

She had to laugh as I put a paper crown on her head. The following day then it was time to bring her to the school. After hugging me and her Papa she ran off excitedly as we already saw that some girls came up to her, interested and excited. Both me and my creator had to smile, but it would be the last time we smiled together. He suddenly looked at me.

„You should also visit a school."

„Excuse me??"

„A new international school opened a little while ago, they are still searching for students. Since you are not that big yet nobody will know how old you actually are. It would make sense, since you've never been in a building like that before."

Sarcastically I looked at him. Me? A school? Just because of the „international" in front of it, didn't mean that they would tolerate someone like me. This whole thing seemed ridiculous, but as soon as Sasha found out about it a day later, she started to support the idea. So with a sigh I was filling out the form and only a few days later I stood in front of this huge... colossal waste of material. It seemed so strangely modernized that it almost scared me. After blinking in disgust a few times, I slowly entered the building, looking for my room. I got a few strange looks from the humans, of course, but sat down in the middle row of the wall. From my job I learned that those who sit near to the windows are an easier target. Supposedly it was simply a reflex. While not expecting much of this school, suddenly a girl joined the classroom. She was pale, had shimmery pink hair and her eyes, no, her whole face was like mine. I blinked. A virus? Like me?! She too looked into my direction for a moment, but left of right to the window. Idiot.

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