Chapter 3

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I couldn't focus on the lesson at all. This girl at the window was obviously a virus as well, but she barely got as many looks as I did. Probably because she had hair. I'd always be jealous of someone who had very pretty hair, because I had none. After the lesson was finished and everybody was heading out for break, a group of boys came up to me. One had a gum in their mouth, making it pop in front of my face. The others had a skateboard. Surely I understood the situation and just looked back at them as uninterested as possible. The dude with the gum then pushed me to the ground.

„You ugly looser don't even have a chance to graduate, so what the fuck are you doing here?"

Madly I stared back, but didn't answer.

„And what's your name even? Scyaya? Hahah! You're a Girl? Then you're really ugly!"

Quickly I made him fall by kicking his legs and got up, holding a knife against his throat while staring right through him.

„I've achieved more in my pitiful life than you ever will with that disgusting gum on your tongue."

And suddenly the bully looked like a little baby. I let go of him and left off to a bench, reading a book. I couldn't show fear, not in the slightest, because then they'd get to me. This unintelligent thinking was anyway rather annoying than frightening. Back in the last lesson of the day, that same dude was throwing things at the other Virus Girl. Her way of handling them was to ignore it, but that wouldn't change a thing. What was up with that? Not even a minute after leaving the classroom she got pushed against a wall by those boys again, but she didn't do anything. They touched her hair and threw her stuff around. One of my knives suddenly few by, only missing that leader of the bullies by an inch. All of the students looked terrified at me, as well as the guy who gulped. I stared empty at him.

„Fuck with someone who can defend himself, asshole."

With those words thrown at him he came running towards me as I easily dodged and as he kicked into my direction, I slammed my heel against his leg so he fell down with a scream. Not sure if I actually broke his leg, but not that I cared either. Of course the teacher saw everything and dragged me to the secretaries office, where I got the punishment of getting slapped with the ruler on my fingers, multiple times. It sure hurt quite a bunch. The fact that I defended this girl was irrelevant. While I then had to clean up the whole classroom after school I heard a slight knocking at the door and turned around. That girl. She looked at me for a while.

„T-Thank you for that."

I turned back to the board.

„Tsk, because of you my fingers burn. Why didn't you do anything? Are you really that weak?"

Even though I was somehow able to plaster up my fingers with some white little strings, the water still hurt. I would've never showed how much it actually did, but I sure bit my teeth. She only looked down.

„So, your name is Scyaram, right? That's quite a strange name, especially for a girl."

„So? What's yours?"

„I'm Iva."

„And that's of course not a strange name, even tho I could just put an „n" behind it, then you'd have a boy's name, Ivan."

She got rather mad.

„It's Iva! Also you didn't have to help me if you find me weak. So why did you?"

She was folding her arms as I only looked at her. She was right. Why did I help her? After thinking a little while, I refused to give her an answer. With a sigh she was walking to the window, opening it as the door slam shut from the wind. It had me in a shock moment. Oh no. Stop. Calm down! All I could do is stare at the board. Iva turned to me a little concerned after chuckling from the way the wind closed the door, gently tapping onto my shoulder as from reflex I grab her wrist. She looked a little scared at me.

„Don't ever do that again!"

„O-Okay, I'm sorry...!"

After taking a deep breath I let go of her. She wouldn't have understood why I reacted like that. Of course not. Suddenly I turned to her.

„I saved you because you're like me, a virus. I've never seen anybody like me before and thought that I'd be the only one existing."

Iva was nodding understandingly, letting me know that she was left in that belief as well.

„Why did you react like that tho?"

I looked at the door and down on the ground, opening it again while putting something in front of it, so it wouldn't close again.

„Memories. Don't want to talk about it."


It was an awkward moment passing on and after finishing to clean that room I left back home without any further conversation. As expected, my creator got contacted and punished me as well for what I did. After a whole bunch of yelling he pushed me down to the ground.

„This is school! Not that stupid job you're on!"

„You were the one who told me to do the job!!"

He went to the door, slamming it on purpose. I held my hands over my head and teared up as he repeated to do so. Fast I ran up to my room and under the bed, but even there he did it again, and again. In panic and rage I ran up to him, pushing him down the stairs. After staring at him for a moment though I realized what just happened and as fast as somehow possible I called an ambulance. After he got transported away for the day, I asked our friendly neighbor woman to take care of Sasha for that night, while she herself didn't understand why.

„Your big sister just has to do something. Don't worry, tomorrow you can come back. Promise to be a good girl, alright?"

Calmly she nodded and hugged me tightly as I was thanking the old lady for taking care of her. After returning into our house I sat down, leaning against the door, crying. I didn't... mean...

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