1 - Gods of Winter

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Canada and Russia, Gods of Winter, marriage arranged by the stars the day they were born, walked through a thin blanket of snow to visit their dearest friend, Finland, the God of Wolves. It had been at least a century since their last visit, the still boiling rivalry of their families keeping them busy, and they had agreed that they should surprise the new-ish King of the Nordic Lands, who was crowned almost 80 years ago, not so long after his mother, the Queen, had died.

A group of Mortal children passed the couple, mumbling in something resembling disappointment. Canada, who controlled the beautiful and fun side of winter, while his husband controlled the harsher part of the season, waved a hand and conjured up a considerably large pile of snowballs. With a smirk, he picked one of them up and threw it at one of the children, hitting them in the back.
With the Gods invisible to eyes of Mortals, the child immediately started to try to figure out who had thrown the snowball. It didn't take long for the small group to spot the pile and soon enough a snowball fight was initiated.

"Really?" Russia laughed under his breath.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" Canada pouted at the taller, "I couldn't just let those kids have no fun."

Two pairs of frozen purple eyes stared at each other until the silence was broken;
"Fair enough." Russia sighed, tilting his head up to the sky.

Canada hummed in victory as he tugged at Russia's cloak.
Russia looked at his husband and smiled, a short kiss being exchanged between the two before they continued on their way.

"We've gotta be getting close, right?" the shorter asked after a moment of silence, tilting his head up just enough to see the taller in the corner of his eye.

"Hopefully." Russia muttered.

Soon enough, a palace made of wood and stone, which was of an enormous size, came into view within the scattered forestry. The couple smiled at each other as they made their way to a tall gate made of crystals of ice, with massive torches at the top, illuminating the Nordic family "logo", two axes that crossed each other inside a simple circle.
Finland and one of his younger brothers, Norway, as well as the two youngest of the family, Aland and Faroe, sat and played in the snow covered grass, dressed in, at this time of year at least, thin fur cloaks.

Russia leaned on the gate a smirked, "Message for the King."

Finland's head jolted up at the familiar voice, a smile quickly spreading across his face.

"What are you guys doing here?" the Wolf God made his way to his friends.

"We thought we'd come surprise you." Canada looked at his husband before returning his attention to the shortest of the three, "Come visit for a while."

The joy on Finland's face immediately vanished, "How long were you guys planning on staying exactly?"

"A night or two, maybe a week, we never really thought this far through." the shorter of the Winter Gods laughed before reality hit him, "Why? And don't say 'oh, no reason'."

Finland looked down, rubbing his right arm, where a tattoo of five furious wolves laid under the sleeve, "We are at war."

"What?" Canada barely whispered after a moment of silence.

Finland sighed, "We are at war with the Slavics."

Hope you guys like this new story so far and um....

anyways see you in the next chapter!

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