2 - A Bloody Game

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"I swear to the stars I will kill them!" Russia growled, pacing around the strategy room, "That war between you and my father was centuries ago! They shouldn't be messing with a past that happened that long ago!"

"Personally, it seems pretty peaceful and... non-war like right now." Canada spoke to Finland, though his eyes cautiously tracked his husband.

"They haven't attacked for a while, and we're going to take every day of peace and treasure it." Finland's voice was calm yet sharp, his elbows leaning against the large circular table in the centre of the room, his hands pressing against his eyes, "Plus it's best for Aland and Faroe. They're too young, they shouldn't know the stress and fear of war, so everyday there's no fighting, no meetings, when it's a day like any other," Finland smiled softly, "they're so happy."

"Don't let your guard down. My siblings can be assholes sometimes, but they can rain hell in battle any day of the week." Russia spoke as he finally sat down.

"And we're not." Finland lifted his head from his hands, blizzard-like grey eyes drilling into Russia's, "We still have combat training, it's something we do regularly so Aland and Faroe find no stress in it, we still discuss about what might happen, and we're sure as hell ready to fight."

"I wasn't doubting you." Russia's voice wavered between calm and angry, "I was just saying."

A tense silence fell over the three.

"Hey, um..." Canada spoke, two set of eyes falling upon him, "Maybe we could help you guys."

"No." Finland's voice stood strong, "War is a bloody game, ok? I don't want to drag you guys into something you have nothing to do with."

"You're fighting my siblings." Russia's voice resembled something like a hiss, "I am very much involved in this."

"And Russia's my husband." Canada pointed out, "So I'm a part of this too."

Finland let out a shaky sigh, "You guys aren't going to give in, are you?"


"Absolutely not."

"Ok fine." Finland leaned back in his chair, "You guys can join, but just remember you can leave at any time."

"Sounds fair." Russia stood up to shake his hand on behalf of the both of the Winter Gods.

Finland stood as well, taking Russia's hand in a solid grip and shaking it.

Silence fell in the room as the three smiled, only being interrupted by slow clapping from the doorway.

"Great job everyone." Greenland's voice was either sarcastic or genuine, no one could really tell.

"How long have you been there?" the oldest of the brothers questioned.

"Doesn't matter." the God of Glaciers and Icecaps waved a hand as he turned to leave the room, "Ice just wanted me to tell you guys dinner was ready. And before you say anything, yes there's enough for Canada and Russia."

The door closed with a thundering bang as silence once again fell upon the three.

Finland started walking towards the door, making jazz-hands as he spoke, "Dinnertime!"

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Also the original plan was for Greenland to be the God of Snow Leopards, but apparently snow leopards don't live in Greenland, so I had to google facts about Greenland and apparently like 80% of Greenland is covered with glaciers and icecaps so um *jazz hands*
And yeah
That's my rant


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