4 - Secrets Are Always Found

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The halls of the palace was a twisted maze Finland and his brothers knew all too well. He easily found his way to the room the youngest siblings shared. He gently pushed open the door with close to little effort.

"Hey you two, time for bed."

A unified whine came from Aland and Faroe.

"Can't we stay up a little longer?" the older of the two, Faroe, pouted.

Finland sighed, "What if we did ask and story?"

"YEAH!" they jumped into their beds and pulled the blankets over their feet.

Ask and story was somewhat of a family tradition. It was something Finland and Sweden had done with their mother, then Denmark and Norway did it, then the twins, and now Aland and Faroe. The kids would ask their mother, or in this case, Finland, questions until there was nothing else to ask, then the person who answered all the questions would get to tell a story.

The eldest of the family took a seat on the floor between the two, "Ok, ask away."

"Are Canada and Russia helping with the war?" Aland asked.

"I-" Finland was taken by surprise before letting out a sigh, "I guess you can't keep a secret forever." he looked at the roof, "Yes they are."

"Don't they hate each other?" Faroe asked.

Finland laughed, "I see we have a theme tonight. Their families hate each other, but they don't."

"So their in love?"


"What's love like?"

Finland hesitated on that one. He had once had a silly crush when he was young, though he'd given up on that centuries ago. His mother had no husband that he was aware of. It was very possible that she had done some of that fucked up God magic and gotten herself pregnant 7 times, and raised 8 kids, without any man's help. She had always been a strong independent woman.
In a certain memory from his early childhood, his mother had turned down every man in the party they were invited to within a mere minute or two.

"I don't really know," the Wolf God finally spoke, "but you'll know it when you feel it."

"Will I get my powers soon?" Faroe asked.

Finland sighed at the reoccurring question.
Gods didn't receive their powers or status until their late teens or early adulthood. Faroe was barely nine.

"Be patient. They'll come eventually."

Faroe pouted, and Aland giggled.

"Story time!" the youngest Nordic cheered excitedly.

Finland smiled, "All who dwelt in Asgard-"

"NO! Not a myth! A story." Aland complained, Faroe agreeing from the other bed.

A sigh escaped his lips, "Ok, what do you want to hear?"

"Can you tell us about Canada and Russia?"

"I'm afraid I don't know that story very well."

"Then tell us about how you discovered your powers."

Finland smiled.

"Yeah, ok."

idk what to say.
Hope you guys are doing ok
See you in the next chapter!

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