3 - Nobody Lives Forever

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The dinning table stood out from the rest of the palace. It was old, with scratches and stains from centuries of roughhousing. A long stretch of cloth, embroidered with beautiful pictures, covered the middle of the table, the food laid out on it.

"So 'Nada and Russ are helping us with the..." Greenland's eyes quickly flicked towards Aland and Faroe, who sat giggling, "the, uh... the stuff."

"The stuff?" Iceland, God of Fire and Ice, laughed at his twin.

"Shut up." Greenland's growl was low.

"You guys sure?" the second-oldest, Sweden, God of Vikings.

"We're sure." Canada nodded.

The dinner went on smoothly, stories and laughter filling the room. 

"You guys can leave now if you want." Finland turned to his friends, "This part of the meal is... family centred."

Russia looked up, "It's fine. Plus I'm still eating."


And with that Finland pulled out a basket of apples that shimmer gold in early-evening light, and distributed them among the siblings, set aside the youngest two. Canada and Russia couldn't help but watch a something so simple, yet, so sacred to this family took place.

_time skip_

The three friends walked down the halls of the palace, grand paintings hanging on the wall.

"Hey Fin?" Russia asked, taking his attention off the spectacular art.


"What were those apples?"

"Russia!" Canada scolded, glaring at his partner.

"No, no, it's fine." Finland waved his hand over his shoulder, coming to a stop, "Unlike the mass majority of Gods, my family was not blessed with Immortality. We can die before our time, we can age. Those apples are our form of Immortality. Eating them prevents us from aging, but we can still die."

"Why don't Aland and Faroe didn't get one?" Russia tilted his head.

Finland sighed, "They'll start receiving them sometime in their twenties. Until then, they can age."

"What do you mean by "before our time"?" Canada asked quietly.


"You're joking, right?" Finland breathed.

"No one in his family has reached their time yet." Russia argued gently, "But I'm still surprised neither of your parents told you."

Canada looked at the ground and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, ok?" Russia placed a hand on the shorter's shoulder, "It's not your fault no one told you."

"When a God, or Immortal, reaches their time, they die." Finland informed, "That's what happened to my mother and Russia's father. They reached their time, so they died." a short laugh left his lips, "I guess not even Gods live forever, huh?"

"Oh wow." Canada stood in shock.

"Wait." Russia whispered.

"Wait, what?" Finland

"If you or one of your siblings die before their time, what happens?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Finland looked at the roof, "My mother told us stories about how Mortal Gods who died before their time resurrected where they died. Same age, same person, but they only retain very few memories from before they died, and they have an unexplainable fear of the thong that caused their death, though they can get over that fear."

"Well shit." Russia laughed after a moment of silence.

"It's only a story, but I mean, that's all we have to go off of." Finland laughed as well, "Either way, here's your room." he pointed at a set of doors on the side of the hall, "I gotta make sure Aland and Faroe get to bed. See you in the morning!"

And with that, he was gone.

Canada let out a yawn as he stretched his arms over his head, "Imma hit the hay early."

Russia laughed, pushing open the doors to the room while putting an arm around Canada's waist and pulling him closer, "Tired much?"

"No duh." Canada joked tiredly against Russia's chest.

Russia hummed as he planted a kiss on his husband's head, walking with him into the room.

You guys didn't get much soft RusCan content in TO FIX THE BROKEN so far, so um


Also, all of Sweden's siblings have Vikings in their sub-powers, it's just not their strongest ability or what they are known for, for Sweden however it is his Main, therefor his strongest ability and what he is known for.
I hope that makes sense.

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