5 - Predators

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A young Finland wandered the forest, trying to remember his way home. He had gone out to hunt, alone, and he was just now realizing why his mother had him and Sweden hunt together.
Sometimes they'd bring Norway and Denmark along, while Greenland and Iceland were far too young to be allowed to leave the palace grounds.

He looked towards the setting sun. He had to get home soon or his mother was going to kill him. The cold was slowly sinking into his bones. He pulled his thick fur cloak tighter around him, tears beginning to form.

Finland wasn't one to cry, but he was scared. He's never been alone without at least one member of his family for more than a day. He couldn't help worry for the twins. His mother would be worried sick, and Sweden was probably sent out to look for him by now.

Finland made his way towards a hollowed tree trunk that looked rather comforting and warm. He sat down and let the tears fall.


He didn't know how long he was out, but when he woke, 5 wolves of all different colors and patterns were approaching him. A scream escaped his lips all too quiet. The largest of the wolves, pure white with scars across her body, approached him.

What happened Finland could have never have expected. She licked his face. He locked eyes with her and swore he could almost hear her speak.

"We are your friends."

Finland sniffed, "Can you take me home."

"Of course."

The walk home was surprisingly comforting considering Finland was surrounded by 5 beasts who could kill him.
When the palace came into view, he turned to the wolves.

"You can leave now."

The leader of the pack, the white wolf, which he had started calling Elli, spoke up, "We can not. We are forever bound to our God."

When Finland looked around the room, Faroe and Aland were fast asleep. He smiled, standing up and pulling the covers over the two before leaving to go to his room.

He rolled up his sleeve and traced the tattoo where Elli raced at the front of the pack. The white wolf was always like a second mother to him.
His fingers traced the tattoo up his arms, brushing against the coats of Erno, Ilma, Rali, and Tapio.
The wolves had always been loyal to him since the day they met, and he was forever grateful for it.

FLASHBACK *jazz hands*

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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