6 - The Sun Rises From Hell

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When Canada jolted awake, the moon still shone a a violent silver through the windows. He couldn't remember the nightmare, he rarely ever did.
He looked over at Russia, who slept peacefully beside him.

The Winter God sighed, slipping out of bed. His husband rarely ever had a good night's rest, he couldn't just wake him up.
Canada stepped outside, and the cold breeze greeted him. He smiled up at the night sky, something he had admired for as long as remembered.

"Can't sleep?" Canada jumped at the voice.
He turned and saw Finland, sitting on the steps and petting a beautiful silver wolf.

"No." the taller sat next to his friend, "You?"


Canada went to pet the wolf when the beast let out a low a threatening growl.

"He's fine, Ilma." Finland sighed, hand running over the wolf's head.

The wolf stared at her God, apparently speaking to him, because he responded;
"Yes, I'm sure."

"You can talk to them?"

"Always could."

"Hm." Canada's hand met Ilma's soft coat. A wave of comfort washed over his body.

The sun was peaking over the horizon, and the two friends fell silent to watch it. Canada had never seen a sunrise from Finland's homeland, and the forest he and Russia lived in rarely ever let them catch one.
It was beautiful. Shades of yellow and orange clashed with a dark purple.

"Hold up." Finland rolled up his sleeve, and a large wolf with a thick brown coat came jumping onto the grass, "What is it?"

The wolf growled.

Finland stayed quiet.

"Wake up Russia and my siblings." he stood up, and a white wolf, a gold toned wolf, and a dark grey wolf joined the other two.

"Why?" Canada unsuccessfully tried to hide his worry.

"Tapio said he smelled strangers approaching the palace." Finland's voice just barely wavered from the strong and composed tone he had, "I think we're under attack."


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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