Y/N Mikaelson née Petrova

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Y/N and Rebekah were talking after being apart for so long 

"So how has Klaus been," Y/N asked her sister-in-law

Rebekah sighed "Bad but Y/N I should tell you that Klaus has been going after a girl named Caroline," Rebekah said 

Y/N was going to comment on it but Klaus walked in "Hey love can we talk" Klaus asked Y/N sighed and nodded

She got up and they walked outside towards the woods "What do you want Klaus" Y/N said 

Klaus looked at her weirdly "Are you, alright love?" Klaus asked but Y/N didn't say anything making him sigh "I am not sure what is wrong but I wanted you to move into my room," Klaus said

"Why don't you ask Caroline to move into your room," Y/N said 

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked 

"Rebekah told me that you have been going after her which means that you don't love me anymore so ask her because I don't think this is going to work anymore Klaus you have been going behind my back for a thousand years and this isn't the first time you went after another girl while we were together," Y/N said and she went to walk away but Klaus sped in front of her and grabbed her by the waist 

"Y/N what Rebekah told you is a lie yes I was going after Caroline but that was before you came back, You are my wife and I love you, I always have since the day I met you a thousand years ago, any women I went after while we were together meant nothing to me as much as you mean to me," Klaus said moving his hands up to cup her cheeks

"Klaus you aren't the man I married a thousand years ago I don't recognize the man who is in front of me right now and I don't think I ever will, The man I married wouldn't even look at another woman, He would never tell me that he loved me, He would tell me that he was in love with me always and forever and I haven't heard that sentence from you in a very long time," Y/N said with a tear running down her face 

"Y/N what are you saying?" Klaus asked looking into her eyes and making sure to wipe her tears away 

"I am saying I don't think we should be together anymore, we aren't meant to be anymore," Y/N said trying to push his hands away but he wouldn't let her  

"No Y/N I won't let you leave me again, Y/N I love you and I will always love you, you know that I will always be in love you with you always and forever, you are Y/N Mikaelson, you are my wife and you always will be nothing will change that," Klaus said with his own tears falling from his face 

"Klaus how do I know that you won't just hurt me again," Y/N said 

Klaus sighed "You don't all you need to know is that I promise I will try harder to make things right with you, I will tell Caroline that whatever we had is over just please don't leave me again," Klaus said Y/N sighed 

She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him softly but Klaus had other plans 

His hands made it to her waist grabbing her tightly while deepening the kiss speeding her against a tree lifting her while her legs make it around his waist 

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