Y/N Petrova ( Part 2)

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Your phone had been turned off for about ten months because you were having way too much fun to turn it back on

As the phone turned on, you got a list of messages and missed calls:

40 unread messages from Klaus

100 missed calls from Klaus

10 unread messages from Damon

120 missed calls from Damon

7 unread messages from Stefan

70 missed calls from Stefan

you sighed and went through the messages they had all sent you


'Please come home.'

'I made a mistake.'

'I am sorry.'

'Please answer my call.'

'I left because I didn't want to hurt you.' 

'Answer your phone.'

'Y/N, please.'

'I know I hurt you by leaving, but please don't ignore me.'

'You once told me you would love me forever, and you would always forgive me, so please forgive me and come home.'

'Y/N, I know you said that if I walked away, we were done, but I needed to get away so I wouldn't hurt you.'

'I know I hurt you by walking away from you, but I didn't want to hurt you or, even worse, kill you.'

'You know Mikael is a sore subject for me, so I was hurt that you brought him back.'

'I realized that you didn't know you loved me.'

'I am sorry I killed your family. I was just angry with your sister.'

'Y/N, I killed Katherine'

'She pissed me off. She kept bragging about how I lost you.'

'Come home, please.'

'I know this is probably useless, and you probably aren't going to read this, but I just thought I should try.'

'I love you.'

'Y/N, please answer my phone calls.'

'I daggered my family after they told me to stop looking for you.'

'I know they will be angry when I wake them, but I don't care.'

'I finally undaggered them after a month, and surprisingly they weren't angry.'

'I am so sorry.'

'I slept with some wolf.'

'Forgive me, please.'

'I left Mystic Falls.'

'Turns out I got her pregnant.'

'My siblings are angry with me now.'

'She said that it is going to be a girl.'

'I am going to name her after you.'

'Kol says you might be dead, but I will not believe him.'

'I am in New Orleans'

'If you end up forgiving me, you should come to visit.'

'I still love you.'

'I don't plan on going back to Mystic Falls, so you should go back.'

'Witches are a pain in the ass.'

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