Y/N Mikaelson

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Y/N sighed as once again her parents and family forgot her birthday, everything was about Hope her twin sister

Everyone except for Kol and Davina ignored her because she was the black sheep the defective twin

They all believed her to be human so they all paid more attention to Hope because she needed it the most

She walked down the stairs and walked towards the door but was stopped by her dad "Where are you going this late at night" Klaus said walking towards her

"Out," Y/N said and she walked out the door

"Get back here right now Y/N" Klaus yelled Y/N rolled her eyes but continue to walk away

Klaus sped in front of her "I said get back here" Klaus said grabbing her by her arms "You can't go out because it is midnight Y/N" Klaus said

"Get off of me, If Hope can go out why can't I," Y/N asked

"Because she is a tribrid, she can heal fast and protect herself if anything happens you are human so you can't," Klaus said

"You should let go because you are hurting me," Y/N said glaring at Klaus he quickly let go and they both noticed the huge handprint bruises that Klaus left on her arms

"Y/N" Klaus said going to touch her arms but she flinched away making him sigh "You don't have to be afraid of me Luv," Klaus said

Y/N shook her head and ran into the house straight to her room making Klaus sigh and walk after her

She slammed her door shut and locked it before Klaus could get in

He knocked on the door but Y/N was already gone she left out the window to her friend's party

She went to public school unlike Hope who went to the Salvatore School

"Y/N please open the door," Klaus said putting his hand on the door he sighed knowing she wouldn't want to let him in yet so he went downstairs and waited for an hour before he went back upstairs to try again

He knocked but no answer so he listened in but heard nothing, not even her breathing so he broke the door and found nothing

He was angry and searched all of Mystic Falls for her but one of his hybrids told him that he found her at a party pretty drunk

He sighed to himself and sped off to the address his hybrid gave him

He found her half-naked dancing on a table he saw a whole bunch of guys surrounding her

He pushed past all of them and got onto the table and grabbed Y/N making her scream "Get off of me you creep" She screamed

"I am not a creep I am your father," Klaus said in a growl glaring at the men who quickly ran away

She sighed "I don't really have a father," Y/N said making Klaus look at her strangely

"What do you mean," Klaus asked

"He doesn't love me never has only because I am not perfect like my darling twin sister Hope it is always her never Y/N the daughter who deserved better," Drunk Y/N said

Klaus looked at her sadly "I am so sorry I made it seem that way Y/N I do love you I just didn't know how to care for you without hurting you and I have already hurt you" Klaus said rubbing her arms where her bruises were

Y/N didn't answer because she had fallen asleep in Klaus' arms "I promise you that I will do my best to make up for everything I have done to you, every time I made you feel worthless" Klaus whispered as he laid her down in her bed

He kissed her head "I do love you Y/N, you are my youngest daughter" Klaus whispered and walked out of her room to let her sleep

He walked into his room and made a whole bunch of plans to do with Y/N the next day

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