Y/N Petrova

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"We need to talk," Klaus said as he came into your shared bedroom

You and Klaus have been dating for a few months, but you guys have been together a lot longer

You and Klaus had dated in the 1920s but when your sister Katherine found out she had a very powerful witch take your and Klaus' memories of each other away

During the time you had no memory, Katherine shared that Klaus killed your family, so after that, you only knew the Klaus who chased your sister and killed your family 

But after meeting Klaus again you felt like something was missing so you find a witch to reverse whatever happened to you, not knowing that it also reversed the spell on Klaus

When you got your memories back, Klaus found you then you both picked up where you left off 

Klaus had just found out that you helped the Salvatores bring Mikael back 

"About?" You asked getting off the bed and walking up to him 

"About how you helped those Salvatores bring Mikael back to kill me," Klaus practically yelled

You didn't say anything which made Klaus even angrier 

"ANSWER ME" Klaus yelled grabbing you by the neck and slamming you against the wall

"I did it because you killed my family, I didn't know I loved you then," You choked out not being able to breathe properly 

Klaus just removed his hand from your neck and grabbed his jacket from the hanger

"Where are you going?" You asked but Klaus didn't answer you

He kept walking and you followed him 

"If you walk out that door, we are done Klaus," You said and that made Klaus stop for a few minutes but he shook his head and left the house, slamming the door 

You let out a sob but quickly composed yourself and went back to your room and packed all of your things in a very rushed way 

You put all of your things in your car as you went through the house grabbing the things that belonged to you 

You sighed as you got into your car and called Damon Salvatore

"Hello?" Damon answered

"I called to say goodbye," You said as you wiped your tears 

"What do you mean Y/N?" Damon said confused 

"Klaus and I broke up, so I am getting the hell out of Mystic Falls before he comes back to the house," You said 

"How about you come to my house instead," Damon said not wanting you to leave as you are his best friend

You shook your head "I can't Damon, I need to leave and never look back," You said and Damon sighed 

"Fine but please call me whenever you need alright," Damon said 

You laughed "Of course, I will Damon," You said 

"Good, I guess this is goodbye for now?" Damon asked 

"Yeah, goodbye Damon," You said 

"Goodbye Y/N," Damon said and you hung up 

You started your car and drove right out of Mystic Falls to wherever your heart desired


Klaus sighed as he sat in the bar drinking another bourbon 

He knew you were upset with him leaving but he needed to get away before he hurt you 

He stayed at Mystic Grill for a couple more hours, thinking of ways to apologize to you, and once he found the perfect way he made his way back to the house 

But once he entered the house it felt different

He listened for you but heard nothing, he sped through the house looking for you 

He couldn't find you or any of your things so he pulled out his phone and called you 

As he waited for you to answer he grew impatient and hung up the phone 

He then sped to the Salvatore House thinking maybe you were there 

"Where is Y/N?" Klaus asked as he sped in front of Damon 

"Why should I answer you?" Damon asked which made Klaus angry 

He grabbed Damon by the throat and held him against the wall as he compelled Damon to tell him where you were

"She left Mystic Falls two hours ago," Damon choked out 

Klaus let him go in shock 

"Why did she leave?" Klaus asked still compelling Damon

"She said you two broke up and before you ask she didn't tell me where she was going, just said she needed to get the hell out of Mystic Falls," Damon said 

Klaus didn't reply just sped back to his house trying to find a way to find you

He would spend as long as it took to get you back in his arms and apologize for the way he acted 

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