Chapter 9: Blocked User

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Rainbow Dash's POV

I was glad that I decided to take Fluttershy with me to Sugarcube Corner. Not only did she get to see our new morning hangout, but she also got the chance to meet my closest friend, Monstarr. I was extremely excited to see my friend after such a long period of time. Now that Monstarr works at Guitar Center, that means I'll be able to hopefully receive a discount on that new acoustic Fender guitar I wanted for the past month. Even though I was pretty wealthy, I still liked to save as much money as possible to help my sister get into a good college when she's older.

Okay, okay... Let's be honest here. I'm beyond happy because Fluttershy agreed to going to the party with me! The downside to it? I have to wait until next month on the thirty first of October - and it's barely the twenty fourth of September! The wait will definitely be death of me.

After minutes of driving, I finally turned into the street where our school was located at. I kept going straight before making a left turn into the students' parking lot. Upon arriving, I looked everywhere for an empty parking space and eventually decided to park at the front row next to another motorcycle that was cherry red.

I shut off my vehicle and took off my helmet as I felt Fluttershy slowly getting off from behind me. We both stood up and placed our helmets on the seat of my motorcycle. I never really worried about them getting stolen or anything, considering the fact that only a handful of students rode motorcycles like me to school.

Fluttershy and I walked side by side at a leisurely pace towards the school entrance. Several students were walking around campus like they usually did before the bell rung. I tugged at my grey flannel nervously and looked around my surroundings. What's a good conversation starter, Dash? Think of something!

"So, Shy..." I started, capturing the attention of timid girl next to me, "What do you have for first period?"

"I have Equestrian History as my first class... What about you?" She shyly moved a few strands of hair away from her face and looked down.

"P.E. One of my favorite classes actually," I said, sounding a little cocky. I internally winced at how I sounded, and began to think that maybe Fluttershy might just leave because of how much of a stupid jock I am...

Fluttershy giggled instead, catching me by surprise just a little. "I'm not much of an athletic person... I have that class for my last period -" She gasped and covered her mouth. The girl looked pretty terrified if you ask me.

"What's wrong?" I questioned. Fluttershy bit her lower lip anxiously and looked up at me.

"I completely forgot to bring my gym clothes. Oh, gosh, the coach will be furious..." I snickered just a little bit, and patted her back reassuringly. I've known Coach Iron Will for the past three years, and he never once got pissed for not bringing gym clothes - unless of course you continuously forget to bring them.

"Nah, don't stress too much about it. He'll only get angry if you don't bring them for a few days in a row. Just bring them tomorrow. I'm sure nothing bad will happen - you should really try to stay positive about these things," I smiled at her, and she just looked away.

"You're right... I'm pretty negative about certain things, to be honest. I really appreciate you telling me that. I'm somewhat calmer about it than before, so thank you," Fluttershy said to me in a hush.

I nodded at her, and pushed open the doors of the school entrance. Once we stepped inside, the sounds of excessive chattering and laughter filled our eardrums. I had already gotten used to it all after such a long time in this high school, but I didn't know exactly how Fluttershy was holding up - especially finding out that she's pretty quiet and doesn't do well in large crowds.

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