Chapter 32: Winter Revelations

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*Two months later*

"Good morning, Canterlot High! This is your principal speaking. On behalf of the holidays, I would like to remind you that today, everyone will be released early, including staff," Principal Celestia announced through the intercom, her voice soft and melodic. There was a pause.

"As always, be mindful of any decisions you choose to make during the holidays. Be safe in your travels," Vice principal Luna said.

"Happy holidays," both of them said in unison. However, one of them was behind. Before the intercom shut off, both Celestia and Luna bickered. The class laughed.

"They've certainly never changed," Professor Discord said with a chuckle. He climbed on top one of the chairs and grabbed a textbook beside him. He proceeded to tear off pages of the book. From across the room, I heard Twilight gasp in horror. "Oh, don't be so down, Miss Sparkle. These textbooks are outdated. We'll be getting the newest editions next semester."

Lyra and I both exchanged giggles. With a good amount of ripped pages, Discord threw them up in the air, "Sweet freedom!"

The entire class cheered with the exception of Twilight. She seemed to be the only one saddened by the break.

"Do whatever you want, I could honestly care less," Discord said with a short sigh. The rest of the class then packed up their belongings and headed out of the room with their friends.

"I'll see you next semester, Fluttershy!" Lyra said to me, leaving me behind. I waved bye to her and walked over to the front of the classroom where Sunset and Twilight remained. They were also grabbing their backpacks until they saw me.

"Hey. We're heading out to the gym. Wanna join?" Twilight asked. I shook my head.

"I'll catch up with you guys. If Rainbow's outside, tell her I'll meet you all over there," I replied. The girls nodded and took off, leaving Discord and I alone. This time he seemed much happier.

"I have to say... Thank you for your efforts, Fluttershy. Eris is now staying with me," He said with a large smile. "Even though we didn't get to spend Nightmare Night together, I'm just so grateful she chose to move in with me."

"You're welcome." We smiled at each other for a moment. I was about to hug him goodbye until I remembered something, "Oh! I almost forgot..."

I dug into my backpack and took out a white paper dragon that was folded tightly inside my notebook. I handed it over to him and he gleefully took it, "What a marvelous masterpiece! This is perhaps the most creative thing I've ever received - apart from a DUI - but this is incredible! Thank you."

"Heh. You're welcome. I also have something else to show you." I took my cellphone out and popped in my earphones. I opened up the video chatting app and dialed my mom's number. Within a few rings she picked up.

"Hey Fluttershy! Are you and Dash coming over to the Crystal Empire for the holidays?" I giggled and nodded. She clasped her hands together. She took in my surroundings and looked at me sternly, "Shy, why are you video chatting me in school?"

"Oh, we have half a day off and we're not doing much... And I know you didn't get to come to parent teacher night, but I just really wanted you to meet my chemistry professor, even though you already know each other," I said, capturing the attention of Discord. He looked at me curiously. I disconnected the earphones and handed the phone to Discord. He eyed me suspiciously, and took the phone. His eyes went went wide and his jaw fell.

"I... Um..." This was the first time I ever saw Discord get flustered. My mom laughed hysterically.

"Ryott, this isn't like you to get so embarrassed!" My mom said suddenly. My heart froze. I've read that name somewhere...

"I - I just... Wasn't expecting this," he said, nervously laughing. He went serious for a moment, "Wait... You're still not with Ember... Are you?"

"Ugh, God, no. We divorced recently. He was a menace to my family," she answered angrily and with a sigh. The rest of their conversation was a blur. The entire time I couldn't get the name out of my mind. Where have I heard that name?

"... I'll give you a call sometime - for um... Old time's sake," Discord said nervously. He had scribbled my mom's phone number on a spare sheet of paper. She exhaled happily. "It was nice seeing you again, Cherry. Even if it was behind a screen."

"Yeah... It really was, Discord," she said... longingly? How close were they exactly? Wait.

He hung up the phone and gave me my cell phone. I hesitantly took it and stared at Discord cautiously. He didn't notice. His eyes were too focused on the number in front of him. His lips curled into a small smile, "Again... Thank you, Fluttershy. I'll see you next semester."

I nodded and walked out of the room. The last time I saw Discord was through the small window of the classroom door. He was smiling widely to himself.

The walk to the gym felt long. I was feeling sick to my stomach, but at the same time I felt so... Unsure. Uncertain. I was confused. He couldn't be...

"Flutters! Over here!" Rainbow's voice cut through my train of thought. She jogged over to me, wincing slightly. Ever since the accident, the area in front of her torso has been sensitive and sore. She now had a thick scar on her upper lip, but the same wonderful smile remained. She wrapped me up in a semi-tight hug. I giggled and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

"Hey, you." I said to her with a grin. She grabbed my hand as we walked over to our group of friends. Spike was off playing volleyball with Pinkie Pie and a group of his friends. Rarity and Applejack were huddled close together on the bleachers, talking to each other. Twilight and Sunset were sitting together, silently reading amongst themselves. Sunset was laying down, head on her girlfriend's lap. With a free hand, Twilight played with her fiery hair as she read.

After the accident, it seemed to have brought everyone closer. The two men who were involved with Rainbow's assault were arrested and charged. Gilda was on the run. Authorities told us that they auctioned off Rainbow's motorcycle for a hefty price. More than likely, Gilda kept the cash to go into hiding. The police have yet to find her.

Spitfire spent a few nights at the mansion, but left when her boyfriend got an apartment for them both. She was very much pregnant now, but they were both happy together. Cheese Sandwich had to move away with family, but remained in a long distance relationship with Pinkie Pie. Things were good.

"Something on your mind?" Rainbow Dash suddenly asked me. I nodded my head honestly. She pursed her lips and led us to the highest point of the bleachers before we sat down together. There was a long silence before I blurted out...

"I think Discord may have been my biological father."

Rainbow Dash stared at me for a long time. She was unreadable until she burst into a fit of laughter. I slapped her arm playfully.

"You... You think that guy is your real dad? Please... You're nothing like him," she said through tears. I looked at her, annoyed.

"I may not be like him, because I wasn't raised by him. His name is Ryott. The same name in my mom's sonogram of me. Think about it... they're both old friends from high school and college. They were both genuinely happy to talk to each other, and Discord got so flustered when he saw her. There's an obvious connection, Dashie." I said to her seriously. She stopped laughing and looked down at her feet. "Plus... When I was born, I had bright red eyes. It wasn't until later that my eye color changed slowly but surely."

"Okay... That could be a pure coincidence. But... Say he is your dad after all... What are you going to do about it?" Dash asked. I stared at her blankly. What WOULD i do about it?

"Honestly, I don't know... But I would choose him over Ember any day," I answered honestly. "It would be very surprising and difficult to come to accept... But... If he really is my father, I'll have a second chance at growing up... This time with two nice parents instead of one."

Rainbow nodded her in understanding. She pulled me in for a hug and kissed the side of my head, "I'll stand by you... But if he starts making dad jokes, I'm gone."

"Oh, shut it." I said lightly shoving her.

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