Chapter 15: Sick Bunny Sad Bunny

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***1 Week Later***

"... So... Like... About that Nightmare Night party this coming month... Do you - would you like to come with me?" Rainbow Dash asked me. Instead of leaving home on the bus, Rainbow drove the both of us down to the park where we were currently cuddling underneath one of the large oak trees. I was sat in between her legs, whilst her arms were wrapped around my waist defensively.

I giggled at her invitation, then tilted my head to the side a bit to look at her, "You've already asked me to go with you when we went to Sugarcube Corner, Dashie... And to answer your question, yes, I would love to go with you."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip nervously, then buried her face in the crook of my neck as her grip around me tightened just a tad. We both laughed, and just sat there with a good view of our surroundings. October was quickly approaching, and already most of the trees were beginning to lose their natural emerald colors.

The sky was painted a gorgeous yellow-orange color that faded into a dark pink. Several large clouds loomed over us, and the sun was being kept hidden by one of the clouds. The scenery itself looked like a finished masterpiece made by a talented artist - it was beautiful.

"What are you thinking about?" Rainbow began twirling the end of my hair in her fingers, and I could hear the curiosity echo in her tone of voice.

"I'm not exactly thinking about anything in particular... Just admiring the way it looks out here. I mean - just look at everything," I replied, and felt Dash pause her hair-playing. Within a few seconds, she resumed to what she was doing.

"You're right, it does look great out here... I wouldn't mind staying outdoors if it looked like this every single day, actually..." I felt Rainbow begin to braid the back of my hair, and to annoy her a little, I leaned back onto her. "Aw, Flutters! I was doing something productive for once..."

She sounded so heartbroken and I couldn't hold back the laughter anymore. I got up from where I was sitting and turned around to look at Dash. She had a pout on her face along with those adorable puppy eyes. I smiled at her, and looked at the outfit she had chosen for today: a plain grey muscle shirt, black skinny jeans that were torn from the knees, and some charcoal colored Vans. Her rainbow hair was in its usual messy state, except this time she wore a black bandana casually around her head, her hair spilling over perfectly.

"Flutters... Come back, I already miss you," she held out her arms sadly. I rolled my eyes, then finally decided to go right ahead and sit down on her lap again - this time facing her. The moment I returned to my spot, she snaked her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek softly, causing butterflies to soar through my stomach madly. "Can I come over to your house, for once? We always go to mine, and its getting boring there... Please?"

"I'd have to check in with my mom to see if she's okay with it, though." Rainbow Dash groaned internally, then poked my arm. "Give me a second... I'll call her right now."

"Aw, yeah!" She fist bumped the air, as I pulled out my cell phone and dialed in my mom's number. After a few rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey, Shy! Thank goodness you called - I was just going to call you," She answered with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, all right... Well, what was it that you needed?" I questioned her, and dragged my fingers along Dashie's hair slightly.

"Your little brother is sick, and I was wondering if you can come home to watch over him while I'm at work - I'm taking the night shift tonight, and Featherweight is working on a school project in his room, so I don't know if you'll be up for giving Angel medicine and putting him to bed."

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