Ch. 13: Remorse

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With her face inches away from Henry's, Y/n throat began to clog up. Her eyes were going against every will of hers by welling up with tears. She could see the pain in Henry's eyes, and she was certain he could see hers too.

"What have you done," Henry whispered, his voice breaking.

Y/n inhaled deeply. "I don't know." 

A tear manage to escape her eye, and she rested her forehead against Henry's. She tried so hard to hold back her tears, but it was practically impossible for her. Then, without a second thought, she threw her arms around Henry. He slowly returned the hug and Y/n began to cry. She let out loud, heavy sobs as she embraced her enemy and her love at once. "He got into my head," she said, sobbing into Henry's shoulder. "I was vulnerable, and he used that to his own advantage." She gradually pulled away from Henry and looked him in the eye.

"I never stopped thinking about you," Henry confessed. Y/n managed to curl her lips into a slight smile through all her tears and reply, 

"You never left my mind, Henry."

"It's a forbidden love, isn't it?" he replied, allowing Y/n's smile to disappear.

"Nothing about this is forbidden," she sighed. "We just made it that way." Y/n walked to Henry's side and she placed her hand in his. She reluctantly looked at his facial expression, expecting him to pull away at any second, but she was more than pleased to find out he was smiling.

"How can you take my hand," Y/n began, "When all I did was hurt you."

Henry looked at Y/n, "I know it. I know that you never meant to. And, besides, I love you, Y/n."

Y/n smiled once more, "I love you too."

 The two then walked hand-in-hand across Swellview, not saying a word, but instead treasuring this very moment. 


"Where's Henry?" Piper asked, staring blankly at her pear phone. 

"I don't know," Ray replied, seated on the couch as he flipped through a magazine. "He said he wanted to leave early. He just didn't say where he was going."

"Well, he's certainly not at home," Charlotte clarified, "Piper was there minutes ago."

Piper lifted her finger and pointed it at Charlotte. "True dat," she said, without taking her eyes off her phone.

"Well I'm worried," Jasper sighed as he paced around the Man Cave.

"Chillax," Ray began, "He probably went out for a walk." At that, the elevator doors opened with a ding, revealing Henry. He seemed to be whispering to someone behind him, and this caught the attention of everyone else in the Man Cave. "Told ya. He's fine," Ray chuckled.

Charlotte squinted her eyes and walked up to Henry. She looked behind him and gasped. "Y/n?!"

Ray dropped his magazine, Jasper stopped dead in his tracks, and Schwoz ran out of one of the rooms with his hands clasped to his mouth. "Did you say Y/n?" Ray questioned as he turned his head around. Certainly, he saw the one and only, former Mind Strike. "I'm gonna kill you," he whispered, approaching Y/n with clenched fists. Henry walked out in front of Y/n but she quickly asked him to move.

"No," he replied firmly.

"Henry, we're not having this conversation again. Move."

Henry rolled his eyes and moved out of the way, revealing an enraged figure. Ray. He slowly walked up to Y/n, who didn't move a muscle. "What's that on your face?" he asked. Y/n pursed her lips,

"Let me guess. Your fist?"

"My fist," Ray repeated, throwing a punch. Y/n lifted her hand up and placed it onto his fist in mid-air. 

"No it's not," she replied, trying her best not to smile. Ray tried to push his hand out of her grasp, but he soon realized it was of no use. "You may have forgotten who I worked with for a while."

Ray picked up his other hand and clenched it, attempting to throw another punch at Y/n. Without a second thought, Y/n caught his fist and stopped him from hurting her. "You're still forgetting," she smirked, "Aren't you?" She twisted his arm, kicked him in the gut, and threw him onto the ground. 

"Oww!" Ray exclaimed, placing his hand on his throbbing stomach.

"Ray," Y/n began, "I'm not here to fight." She walked towards him and offered her hand. Ray reluctantly took it, but then he threw her onto the ground next to him. "I sure saw that one coming," she sighed. 

"If you're not here to fight," Ray said, getting up. "Then what are you here for?"

Y/n slowly got up too, but before she could say anything, Ray spoke. "I'm okay, by the way," he told the others, beaming a smile at them. Charlotte gave him a disapproving look as Henry approached Y/n and helped her up. "Don't help her," Ray demanded. Henry merely replied with a warning look and continued to do what he was doing in the first place. 

"I'm here to create peace," Y/n explained. 

Ray scoffed, "Yeah, right."

"I'm serious, Ray. Look, I'm sorry to all of you. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I certainly should not have betrayed all of you. I really am sorry. And I don't want to fight my father anymore; he's a good man."

"You're really funny."

"You'll come to realize it too," Y/n said. "I'm sure that when the time comes, he'll find it in his heart to forgive you, Ray."

"What are you talking about?" Ray asked as everyone else in the room watched intently.

"I know what you did to my father," Y/n said, slowly walking towards him.

"If you're talking about all those times I beat him," he smiled proudly, "Then-"

"I'm not talking about that, Ray. You know very well what I'm meaning to say."

"You don't know what you're talking about," he retorted.

"But I do," she replied. "For you were the cause of my mother's death."

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