Ch.14: It's Clear Now

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The room went silent. If a pin were to be dropped, you'd only hear its clank and Ray's quickened breathing,

"Your father knows very well that I, in no way, meant to kill your mother."

"I know," Y/n replied, "But my father does not. He still thinks that you murdered her."

"Ray, what in the world is she talking about?" Henry asked abruptly, unable to hold himself back. Ray sighed,

"Sit down you guys. This will take quite a while."

Jasper, Henry, Charlotte, Schwoz, Y/n and Ray all took a seat on the circular couch, awaiting Ray's story. Although he was about to talk about her own mother, Y/n didn't know the story, for it happened when she was merely an infant.

"This is going to be difficult," Ray began, "Since your mom has..."

"It's fine. You can say it, Ray. I loved my mom and although I never really met her, I know she's somewhere better. So you can say that she's passed away. It's alright."

Ray nodded his head slightly and then began his explanation. "I sort of...had a thing for Y/n's mother." Y/n's eyes widened with great shock and disgust, but Ray didn't seem to give it too much attention. "We were together a while before she met your father," he said, turning his gaze towards Y/n. "But like I said, she met your father and instead, she fell in love with him. It broke my heart to see her with another guy-"

"So you thought it'd be a good idea to murder her?" Schwoz interrupted.

"What?! No!!" Ray retorted. "Just- let me finish the story." He rolled his eyes then went on once more, "They eventually got married, and soon had a child. But that was when it got crazy. Your father abandoned you and your mom. He thought it was too much to handle, and that you were too much of a burden."

Y/n's face fell. She had known it all her life, but hearing it from someone else stung even more. Her own father didn't want her, and, somehow, that led to her mother's death. It was because of her dad's foolish actions that she never got to meet her mom.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you okay?" Henry asked, waving his hand in front of her face and breaking her trail of thoughts.

"Oh," she sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. Sorry, Ray. Go on."

"I still loved your mother then," he continued. "And I just couldn't stand the fact that he'd do something like that to her." He stopped to rub his temples, clearly tense in the situation. "I foolishly decided to act. Love can be blinding, children; one can act without thought, and, soon, regret what was done for a lifetime. Failure is better than regret. Remember that."

His words were wise. They were nothing but true. Yet, some of the children before him wouldn't understand, not then. Not until they had fallen in love, the way Y/n had fallen for Henry, and the way he has fallen for her.

"I took one of Schwoz's machines and, when I found out where Dr. Vex was hiding, I attacked. Somehow, your mother found out, so she left you in her friend's care in order to stop me from hurting your dad. But the moment she arrived, I blasted the device."

He took in an audible breath as his eyesight fell to the ground.

"It hit her," Y/n whispered. "Didn't it?"

Ray gloomily nodded.

"She was fragile at the time. She didn't survive. I was shocked to the core that even when your father attacked me, I didn't see him. I didn't feel it. Even when I ended up in the hospital, I didn't care. I had been the reason for her death, and that haunts me to this day." His forced his gaze to lift off the ground, and switch to Y/n. "I swear, I didn't mean it. I never intended to kill her-"

"But you did intended to kill my dad. I-" her breathing quickened and she felt anger take over. She was no longer sad, no longer forgiving. "I can't do this," she muttered, and she stormed off.


"Ray, I can't believe you did that!" Charlotte was disappointed, so was everyone else.

"I can't believe it either, okay? I regret what I did, truly-"

Henry wasn't having it. He couldn't stand seeing Y/n this way. "You're the reason Y/n was left without a mother. You're the reason her father became evil. You're the reason of all the misery that she lives!"

"I'm sorry, okay?! I don't know what I can do to fix it." Ray's voice went small, and he could feel the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Maybe apologize to Y/n and her father?? 'Cause that'd be a start," Jasper suggested, clenching his fists. Schwoz, on the other hand, sat in a corner, astonished.

"I'm leaving," Ray retorted, and he took off the same way Y/n did.

"Great. That's the second one who's left," Piper sighed. Henry walked over to the couch and took a seat. His right leg shook uncontrollably and he bit his lip.

"There's gotta be something we could do. I can't bare to see her suffer this way," Henry began, his lip quivering. Charlotte paced over to Henry's side and took a seat beside him, holding his hand in hers.

"Y/n is a powerful, remarkable young woman. And she'll get through this, the same way she lived all those years with the haunting thoughts of a father who doesn't want her and a mother she's never met. That girl has been through so much and yet you were able to lessen the burden on her heart Henry. It's not a matter of what we can do, but what the two of you can."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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