Ch.9: Back in the Dark

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"How is this possible?!" past Ray questioned.

"Y/n, I didn't know you had a twin," past Henry said. My past self shook her head and sighed,

"I don't." Right then, present Captain Man and Kid Danger walked out from behind the bush.

"Whoa," Henry breathed.

"Ugh," I groaned, trying to get off the ground. 

"Y/n," present Henry said as he ran towards me. He crouched down next to me and placed his hand on my arm. He could see the tears starting to form in my eyes. "Hey, hey. No, no."

"We failed, Henry," I sniffled, "I'm powerless, and I always will be."

"No, that's not true. You know it's not," Henry assured. Our past selves just stared at us in shock, trying to analyze the situation. 

"How did you know?" present Ray asked firmly. 

"I placed a recording device on Y/n," Dr. Vex explained.

"You did?" my past self questioned.

"He meant me," I sighed.

"Oh. Well this is awfully awkward," my past self told me. She turned her gaze towards Dr. Vex, "Let me go."

He just gave her-me-her-my past self a really strange smile then turned back towards me. I gestured for Henry to come closer so that I could whisper something in his ear. Once I did, Henry nodded and got off his knees. 

He made eye contact with my past self in order to catch her attention. He then moved his eyesight to me, causing my past self to look at me too. I showed her my hand, hoping my past mind would catch on. She nodded, then turned towards my dad.

"Dad," my past self began, "You never came here for me. Or maybe you did, but your heart was never in the right place."

"Huh?" Dr. Vex questioned, but just then, my past self pulled out her and shot my dad right through the air. She then directed his fall onto the wall of the public bathroom. He slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. 

"Ray!" present Henry yelled, directing present Ray's attention to him. "Call the cops."

Ray did as told while the past heroes ran right towards Dr. Vex to battle him. A few minutes later, the cops arrived on the scene. Dr. Vex shot all three of the past people into the air, causing them to fall right next to me. "You guys alright?" I asked. They nodded at me as they attempted to get up. Dr. Vex smirked at the cops then shot them up in the air. He then turned his gaze towards me and my past self. 

"Wasn't it enough to lose your powers once, Y/n?" he asked, a huge smirk plastered to his face. I glared at him with hatred and disgust,


"Oh, but I will." He threw his hand into the air and pointed it straight at my past self. 

"Ow!" I screamed in agony as I felt the piercing pain once more. The last thing I saw before falling unconscious was my past self falling into darkness first.


I opened my eyes to the piercing light of the Man Cave. I looked around me to see Henry sigh with relief along with everyone else. "So now how do I know whether your from the past or from the future?" I joked, but also with a little bit of seriousness. Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper smiled. 

"We're from your time," Jasper replied. I smiled at him, but, eventually, my smile faded away.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up on the bed I was laying on. 

"Dr. Vex got away," Charlotte answered, her eyes downcast. 

"And you were too injured to stay there," Jasper added.

"So we came back to the present," Henry finished. He then offered me his hand to help me off the bed, and I took it. 

"We failed, then," I sighed once I was off the bed. I took my hand out of Henry's while offering him a smile. 

"We didn't exactly fail," Charlotte began, supposedly trying to cheer me up. I gave her a pointing look before Jasper continued,

"Yeah. Your past self didn't go with your dad."

"I still lost my powers- wait, how does Jasper know all this?" I asked. Henry laughed before telling me,

"We just told him. You know, while you were asleep."

"Oh, makes sense."

"But what doesn't make sense is how your father knew we were coming," Ray said, appearing out of thin air. I got mildly confused, but everyone else simply went along.

"Yeah, he's right," Henry replied as he paced around the Man Cave.

"I don't know," I piped in, but only a few seconds later, I placed both hands on my head to stop the pain that came from it. For less than a minute, I saw the previous events flash before my eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" Henry asked, interrupting my trail of thoughts. I snapped back into reality and stuttered,

"Y-Yeah, just-just a headache."

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Well," Charlotte began, "No what?"

We all exchanged looks, hoping someone would have an answer to Charlotte's question. 

"I guess we all go home until one of us comes up with something," I suggested.

"Smart," Jasper admitted, but right then, the emergency alarm went off. 

Henry, Ray, and I walked over to the monitors and took the emergency call. "Captain Man's hotline. Captain Man speaking. How can I help you?"

"We- AHHH."

"Hello? Are you alright?" I asked.

"Y-yeah. There's a robbery at Fred Lobster. Captain Man, Kid Danger, Mind Strike, we need your help."

"On it," Captain Man finalized, and he hung up. I took my gum tube out of my pocket when Henry stopped me.

"If you're not feeling the best, we can handle this one," he said. I smiled,

"Thank you." I placed my gum tube back into my pocket, watched Henry and Ray transform into Kid Danger and Captain Man, then took the elevator to Junk 'N' Stuff. 

As I was walking by on the road, almost at my house, the world began to spin. I placed my hand on my head as I wondered if someone was smacking me in the head. I was feeling the exact same pain I felt back at the Man Cave. For merely a few seconds, I saw the roads I took to get her flash in front of my eyes. I didn't understand what was going on. 

When the pain finally went away and the world stopped spinning, I saw someone. 

"Dr. Vex?"

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