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7 Years Later

"Kakashi!" Tenten whined as they hiked up through the perilous mountain of Akaishi. "Are we there yet?!"

"Tenten. We will get there when we get there." Kakashi grumbled as he pulled up his harness.

The duo had been shifting from one place to another so that they could not be tracked. They had to change their identity very often, the most ridiculous one was that Tenten was his daughter. He was barely 24, hated house chores and above all; hated kids. Oh and Tenten was about to reach 19, if anyone would have even suggested that he was her father, that meant that he had fathered her when he was 5. How COULD he be a father to this brat? That was another thing, because they had to hide her identity, he could not address her as royalty in the presence of others. They had to call each other by their names and it was currently stuck to them. They would feel awkward if they addressed each other formally.

That was not the only thing that was stuck to her, Kakashi's behaviour was rubbing off on her.

"Why are we doing this again?" Tenten grumbled.

"Because, YOUR GRACE." Kakashi started, he could see an annoyed vein popping out of her temple as he addressed her formally, "We were being tracked down."

"It's been happening for years now my dear loyal subject. We usually run to the next village, pray tell me why are we currently CLIMBING A DAMN MOUNTAIN THIS TIME?!" Tenten retorted.

"Because my teammate is a prick okay? He lives in this god forsaken mountain to deter any enemies from ever finding his whereabouts." Kakashi yelled, some of the specks of mountain capped ice had entered his mouth when he tapped his ice axe into the mountain terrain.

"ENEMIES?!" Tenten bellowed, "Even his FRIENDS would think TWICE before visiting him!" She had a horrible feeling about this. If it was anything, she had a hunch that this person that Kakashi mentioned would be someone she might not be able to stand. Because, who would willingly live in a MOUNTAIN?!

The next thing Tenten knew, she saw a huge pile of snow cap explode above them, Kakashi slid down and held onto Tenten- covering her from any possible danger. "HOLD ON. HE IS OPENING THE ENTRANCE." Kakashi yelled through the insufferable noise.

Tenten looked up and saw two mobs of black bowl cut hair, fuzzy eyebrows, green spandex and sparkling white teeth. One of them looked about Kakashi's age while the other looked like he was Tenten's age.

"MY ETERNAL RIVAL! YOU CAME!" The older male spoke, tears welled down his eyes.

"What in tarnation.." Tenten exclaimed before this man pulled their climbing rope into the entrance of his lair. The next thing she knew, she was enveloped in a warm hug. The older bowl cut male and his.. minion who dressed exactly like him hugged both Kakashi and herself while yelling out the word "YOUTH!" repeatedly while jumping for joy in circles with Kakashi and herself trapped in the hug.

Once they were much composed (about 30 minutes to be exact), they started to introduce themselves. Maito Gai and Rock Lee. They were trained under the special force, chosen by the king himself. Some of the best undercover soldiers just like Kakashi himself. Ever since the kingdom had been taken over by the traitors, the special units formed a resistance movement, hidden across various parts of the country. Waiting to assist the real royal family to gain back power and claim what was rightfully theirs.

"Princess. I know you won't like this idea, but it's getting far too dangerous for you to be with Kakashi. They have spotted him several times, that's how they are tracking you down. Kakashi was a well known soldier when your father was alive. They know your father will trust him with his life. They have not been able to see your face that well, hence, we need a decoy. Someone who would take your place with Kakashi while we place you under protection with two highly sought after bodyguards." Gai explained solemnly.

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