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The next day, Neji slipped a note through the gap under Tenten's door which wrote: Lilac Kimono-Wardrobe. Wear that.

Tenten frowned at the message and walked to her wardrobe and took a kimono that was filled with little lilac coloured flower prints out before wearing it. Tenten came down quickly to find an impatient Hyuuga in a smart looking Yukata waiting for her at the front doors. His facial expression, Tenten noted would always be the same; stoic, uninterested, cold. Such a shame; the man was really handsome, however paired with his crappy attitude was beginning to irk Tenten to no end.

"I almost left with our without you." Neji grumbled coldly.

"Seems that you don't have much of a choice but to wait for me don't you." Tenten replied smartly.

Neji narrowed his eyes at her comeback and offered her his arm, which she took quietly. "It's easy. Just don't give me that hateful look you usually do whenever you see me. Look like you actually LIKE me. Pretend I am someone else."

Tenten smiled at the mansion keeper who was standing at the front gates and wished her a good morning.

"My name is Gowakuto Mirai, pleased to meet your acquaintance Ms..?" Mirai asked her.

"Hinata. Hyuuga Hinata." Neji spoke quickly for her.

"Hinata? Well you sure are beautiful Hinata-San, have a good day!" Mirai bid them goodbye as they left.

Tenten walked slowly next to Neji who in return walked the same pace as her. Tenten could see many eyes on them as they walked into the main village.

"Talk." Neji spoke as he looked at her.

"Huh?" Tenten replied dumbly.

Neji resisted the urge to roll his eyes and exclaimed, "Didn't you say you wanted some water chestnuts for dinner dear? I bet this store sells them. What else did you want to get?"

If having Neji shirtless was distracting, now having Neji talking sweetly to her was  making her sweat.

"P-persimmons. Do they have that here?" Tenten asked quickly.

Neji smiled warmly at her and nodded gently before he held onto her hand and pulled her to the nearest store. It all happened too quickly. Neji smiled before he held her hand.

"Mercy." Tenten mumbled to herself. She closed her eyes and stopped walking for a while.

"Hinata? What's wrong?" Neji asked her worriedly.

The moment she heard the fake name that he had given her, woke her up from her trance.

"Get a grip Tenten, this is fake. This is fake. He is a jerk and you dislike him." Tenten reassured herself.

Tenten looked at Neji and smiled back, "Nothing love. I am feeling slightly parched. Let's get a drink afterwards."


Sasuke waited for the perpetrators to arrive. It was Gai who had tipped them off with this information. He saw it, the first perpetrator skilfully jumped onto the rooftop mansion away from the eyes of the mansion keeper. The second one followed slowly after.

Sasuke smirked, they really did underestimated them. The moment the perpetrators entered the house, Sasuke came out of his hiding place and called out, "Hey."

They turned and threw several shurikens his way as they ran towards him. Sasuke deflected all of the shuriken using his katana and looked at them straight into their eyes.

That was all it took to capture them in an illusion. The illusion showed these two perpetrators that a lovely couple and the guy's brother lived there. The couple however looked nothing like Tenten and Neji. He turned both Tenten and Neji blonde. While the brother in law had flaming red hair. Once the illusion was complete Sasuke asked, "Now, tell the person you are working for that the couple living here are expecting a baby. Run along to your master."

The perpetrators nodded and left the mansion, with Sasuke trailing the stealthily from behind.

He followed them to a dodgy, dilapidated warehouse. Sasuke sighed internally, he always wondered how these villains find themselves such an obvious secret hideout. Despite finding Gai and Lee annoying; Sasuke had to admit though, their secret hideout was by far the best. Even if anyone found out about it; it would still be difficult to locate, not to mention deadly to even explore. The terrain combined with high altitude would waste their energy for further battle with the duo.

Sasuke smirked thinking about the two freaks of nature; maybe they were not a bunch of bowl-cut haired-leotard-loving idiots like how Neji and himself had thought.

The duo reported to their superiors of their findings. Sasuke was stealthily hidden on the branch of an old oak tree, situated right outside one of the broken windows of the warehouse. Just like Neji, he had been trained for years by his own family to read and hide his chakra. He listened in to conversations that was going on within the warehouse.

"A married couple whose expecting and a brother in law huh?" The superior asked.

"Yes, Yuta-Sama. That's what we observed. Nothing suspicious about them at all." The first man spoke.

Yuta huffed out an annoyed sigh.

Sasuke smirked. He was about to make his way out of the branch before he accidentally stepped on a darn beehive. The bees started to see him as a threat and immediately attacked him. He was stung all over, it did not help that he had lesser control of his chakra by then. Yuta seemed to noticed this and immediately sent some of his men out to check the place out. Sasuke took out his katana and in one swift movement, split all of the bees into half before he rushed out of the area as a few shuriken and kunai were tossed his way.


Neji paced back and forth in the living room right after they have returned for their afternoon stroll. It was a quarter past nine. It was taking Sasuke way too long. He would usually scout the area after following the perpetrators, find possible entrances and exits from that place for an infiltration mission. That was it. He won't take THIS long. Something was up. If he was alone it would be easier for him to leave the damn premises. But the Princess was his priority, unfortunately it was not even Sasuke. She was their mission.

"Go." Tenten exclaimed.

Neji thought he heard wrongly and turned to face Tenten who was cooking.

"What?" Neji asked her.

"Go and check on him. You have been pacing for hours now. I might not know you well but that worried look on your face does not suit your bad boy image does it?" Tenten pointed out as she sipped onto the soup noisily.

Neji was inwardly impressed by how observant she was. Not many could read his mind, his blank expression never gave anything away.

"Will you be okay?" Neji scoffed as he walked towards the front door.

"I have you know, I am quite skilled at martial arts thanks to Kakashi." Tenten retorted smugly.

Neji took out a protection scroll and pasted it on the door.

"This will confuse the enemies a little. They would not see the door. A little trick Sasuke and I invented. Stay hidden. I will be back in a bit." Neji ordered, before he could even leave the house, Sasuke stood before him.

Sasuke looked fine, albeit a slightly swollen face, however Neji knew something was up when the man in question did not move a single muscle. He flinched a little before he fell forwards towards Neji's unprepared arms. Neji held onto the Uchihaa from the back to only find several shurikens stuck onto it.

"Shit!" Neji cursed, alerting Tenten from the kitchen.

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