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Sakura had been to several death defying missions, but this by far was the worst; working with Kakashi. How Tenten had lived that long with him, was a mystery to Sakura.

It was his ultimate objective to ensure that Sakura was pissed by every action he made. It felt like it was an obsession for him to get a little reaction from her. They had to pretend that they were cousins for this mission and she detested it. He would annoyingly lean his long arm over her head and turn HER HEAD into his personal arm rest. He would purposely relish and tell all of his past successful achievements at her age to her. The worst was to read his stupid orange book every single chance he gets.

This went on until they were being marked, the perpetrators moved stealthily into Kakashi and Sakura's apartment. One sneaked into Sakura's bedroom while the other into Kakashi's room, the moment the duo simultaneously pulled down the blankets, they let out a gasp. There was only a long bolster hidden underneath the blanket.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. What were you hoping to achieve with you making all that noise?" Sakura asked the masked perpetrator from behind.

Before the masked perpetrator could whip out his shuriken her way, the door of her room banged open; revealing Kakashi with an unconscious masked man on his shoulder, Kakashi dropped the perpetrator onto the floor with a loud thud.

The conscious perpetrator in front of Sakura looked aghast at his fallen partner and winced at the loud sound of his body against the hard floor.

"Now, you either answer our questions OR you end up like your friend here, okay?" Kakashi spoke smoothly before he tilted his head to the side as an object flew his way- a candelabra before the said perpetrator tried to make a run for it.

The perpetrator did not make it far. The door was blocked by Sakura who had a hunch that this guy was going to do something dumb like running away.

"W-when d-did you move?!" The perpetrator asked out in horror.

"WE get to ask the questions here not you." Kakashi retorted.

"When did you cuff my hands?!" The perpetrator shouted out when he could not free his right hand from the handcuffs.

"FOCUS!" Sakura exclaimed in exasperation.

Kakashi seemed to enjoy the tinge of exasperation in Sakura's voice and gave her a creased smile, he gestured her to ask the questions when she gave him a dirty look.

"Who sent you?" Sakura asked.

When the perpetrator refused to answer, Sakura pointed to the mantelpiece nearby; his confused face turned into absolute horror when she used her fist to break it in one single-inhuman punch. The perpetrator looked at Kakashi who simply nodded his way before mumbling, "Answer or you'll end up like that."

"F-feudal lord- Akamichi Shiro." Perpetrator answered shakily.

"Go on." Sakura spoke.

"They are on to you. They know there are two now. But they are unsure which one of you is the real deal."

"Elaborate." This time, Kakashi was the one who spoke.

"The hidden princess. She is either hidden here or in the village of mist. The feudal lord knows that. But he is unsure which is the real deal." The perpetrator revealed reluctantly.

"Where does he get this information?" Sakura asked him, before he could answer though, he did something odd, he clenched his jaws shut.

"NO~!" Kakashi yelled but it was too late.

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