Chica~I took me and marionette out to go shopping for a whole since we haven't been outside in days." the door"he mutters,looking up at me.i open the door and let him run in and I follow.the place seemed...Wired.
"Hmp~f..freddy!~" "that's nothing new" marionette mumbled,running over to dan who was laying on the stage.i walked over to the backroom and threw the door open for a split second and threw one of the shopping bags in and slammed in shut,hoping they didn't notice me.
"Where' bonbon? She's usually in here or in the kitchen" marionette asks,dragging Daniel behind him."ima check the cove for foxy" I reply,walking over to it.
Why did it feel so....bad over here?.....
I ripped the curtain open and stepped back...."foxy?..." I whimper."GET OFF ME YOU FUCK" bonbon squealed.i gasped when I saw her and ran over."c..Chica it's-" "SHUT UP" I scream,kicking him off her and tried ripping the rope she had around her arms and legs.
"What's going on?" Freddy yelled,probably pissed at the fact we were making so much noise...
I heard a dark,deep growl from behind me and before I could react,foxy pinned me back to the ground."FREDDY HELP" I screamed,trying to kick foxy off.but him being probably 4 times my weight is kinda hard.i looked to my side,bonnie snuck threw the back and undone bonbons rope and dragged her out.
"Let me go!" I shout,tossing about."what the?" Marionette mumbles."foxy...let her go" freddy growls.i look into bonbons eyes since she was staring back at me.her light green eyes were bloodshot...who knows how long she was under him and hurting.
(Yes there in animatronic mode)
"I-wh-no-y should I-he's taking-it's my turn now" foxy stutters,static interrupting.the child....he's taken over..why now?...he looks back down at me,he's eyepatch was lifted,revealing the dark evil smoke from the child overtaking."freddy!" I whimper,looking away as I still trying to kick foxy off."foxy this is your last chance" freddy growls.
I look over,startled.bonnie was holding dan,marionette and bonbon back right away from freddy."run-COME ON BIT-please don't hur-IT'S HER OR ME" foxy yelled,snapping he's head back towards me."let me go" I cry,scratching he's hand.
"F..freddy?" I whimper,squinting my eyes as I look away."SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
I look forward and in a split second foxy was knocked off of me and freddy had him pinned down."Chica! Come now!" Bonnie yells,I scramble to my feet and run over to him as I rub my arms."you ok?" I whimper,looking at bonbon.she nods and smiles slightly."how long were you like that?" I whimper,grabbing her hand."not long,he tried kissing me and everything..I was just trying to draw and use the laptop when he came out of nowhere and threw me onto the cove" she says shakily.
I hug bonnie and bite my lip as thousands of thought race threw my head like what if I didn't come home now?,what if I didn't go in the cove? After all the were really or what if I just didn't come home at all? Freddy and bonnie were to busy doing there won thing to hear them even if bonbon was screaming..oh yeah..what was freddy and bonnie doing?...and why were they out here so quickly if they were fucking about?...
"Bonnie?" I ask,he looks at me quickly and sighs."don't scare me like that" he mutters.i giggle and sigh."what were you and freddy doing? I heard you's but you got out here so quick" I say,bonbon looks at him aswell,confused."don't worry" he mutters,blushing deeply...
"GET OFF ME" I growl and kick foxy away,not noticing he's ripped parts.i pin him down and pull away as he swings to hit me.he pushs me off and turns around to run off...perfect.
"3..2..1" I count softly,pouncing on him and knocking us both off the cove stage."GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT" "nah" I say slyly,opening he's control box."cya foxy" I mumble,shutting him off."you ok?" I ask,looking at Chica."freddy you bleeding!" She screams reply ever.
I look down at the cove floor.i thought it was was me....I stand up shakily,looking down at foxy."give him seem time then ill restart him" I say softly.i walk over to bonnie and the two girls run off,asking eachover about what happened."I'll get the story later..for now" I whisper,kissing him softly.
"They didn't notice" he whispers."didnt notice what?" M and bonnie both jump back from marionettes loud sudden question."go play with dan,well come out later" I say,marionette smirks and puts dan over he's shoulder and runs off."your still shaking arnt you?" I ask,smirking.
He nods and sighs.
I wish he didn't pull out so hurt like hell!."c'mon,lets go" he whispers."what about your arm and face? Your scratched and bleeding" I say softly."don't worry" he says,opening the door.i stand at the edge of the bed and look around.he sits on the edge and I sit on his lap.i whimper and lean back,connecting our lips to try and quite my moans.
He inserts one finger again and smirks threw the kiss.the feeling was overwhelming...amazing..he instantly pushs 2 more in,pulling them in and out.i moan and spread my legs,rocking back and forth on them.
Now I know why girls do feels so good...even if we did fight...I have no idea how we ended up doing this..
"Ok ready" I ask,holding the paper plane up."the you just throw it an let it glide!" I say happily,throwing mine."where di-oh" I mumble,seeing dan already chewed he's up.he giggles and jumps on the ripped paper,hoping about on it.i smile and pick him up."must be hungry" I whisper,running into the kitchen and putting him onto the counter."what do rabbits eat" I mutter,looking around.i look back at him and think as he falls into the sink."dan you ok?" I ask,he sits up and nods.the sinks sortof like a bath thing,deep but it's got like some sort of slope on the side for washing the toys and things that the kids touch.
"Let's try" I continue saying 'no' or 'nope' as I throw things behind me."dan what do you eat?" I ask.he slides down the slope and looks at me with a blank look."guess ya don't know either" I sigh,crawling up into the cupboard."marionette! Are you in the kitchen again?" Chica asks loudly."shh' I say to dan as he ducks down and I crawl into the empty cupboard.
Chica came into the kitchen and sighed loudly,"marionette did you do this?" She asks,picking up some stuff."don't opens eh cabnet" I mumble quietly."Chica I'm in the cabinet" I say as she opens It." get out"she mutters."what were you doing.," she asks."getting dan something to eat" I say,going over to the sink and picking him up.
"For god sake marionette.." "Heh" I'm hungry now..
(Continuing nwforiubsfdoivpiusndfv)

Drunk in Love (FreddyxBonnie)
Randomduring the pizzerias holidays,foxy goes out and buys some beer and passes them out to Chica,Bon Bon,marionette,bonnie and freddy but bonnie doesn't like the Idea of drinking.(cover by Orlandofox14)