Noone~The others couldn't comprehend what was going on since spingtrap was in control of them.Daniel hopped away from the group,over to freddy smiling cutely."I don't know what to do...." He muttered,holding dan tightly."is there any other suggestion.." Freddy asked shakily." could take your own life and ya know,take on me and the others"springtrap laughs,walking around freddy as he held dan close."please....just take me..." He mutters, under he's breathe."you sure? Your giving up everything including your memory,your world,your love and everything you've ever lived for?" Springtrap asks,smirking evilly."whatever,just don't hurt bonnie.....or the others"
"Ok then,your decision" springtrap says evilly,smirking.
"Goodbye" I mumble,holding dan tightly."bye bye" he says softly.i look up,everything seemed odd....the world was still a eary black place,I look back down at my lap where dan was...nothing
Springtrap finally got what he wanted...I'm gone...I just hope bonnies ok....
I sat up,coughing wildly as the black smoke reversed threw the diner."..what happened?..." I mumble,looking around.we were back in the room and the only thing I remember is...OH FUCK.FREDDY GAVE UP HES LIFE
"GUYS GET UP WE NEED TO FIND FREDDY" I yell kicking foxy and pulling marionette up.i run out the room and look down the hall,the kids cove room was dark....the light was out.
I ran over,kicking the door in and stiffing...
Bonnie was crying in the corner and another body laid in the centre of the room."bonnie?..who's that?" I ask.he whimpers and looks up."freddy,springtrap made him take he's own life to revive me..this is all my fault! I should've ran in the fog after him" he cried."where bb and the other 3?" I ask."I don't know..I haven't left the room" I sigh and turn the light on.
"I don't think spingtrap killed freddy...I think he committed suicide..." I whimper,noticing the cut wires hanging off him."he might've been possessed by sping and then spingtrap killed him" I say sadly."i need to find bonbon" I say suddenly,running out the room.
I run over to the cove,picking up the ripped up ends of the curtain.bonbon and bb.."guys get up" I whimper,pulling bb up.he coughs and pushs away,falling back on the floor."Chica?.." Bonbon asked.i nodded and bit my lip.spinng back around and facing the room.
I crawled over to freddy,laying next to him...he was cold like foxy...I still can't believe he choose between letting me go or letting himself go...And he took the second descion."all those times,you were just being playful and I pushed away...all those times I never said anything because I'm the shy bitch of the group....I could've said more....and I should've said more...." I whimper..
It's to late to do anything now...I just wanted to help but instead it came down to someone losing there life and its not in the funny way like the guards...this is different.
I sigh and wander around,thinking of all the things I could've done with the others and bonnie...Im starting to get more worried about how the group will survive I mean for one,they can't stand goldie even if he is just my gold version,he can become a real bastard at times..."daddy"
...what....god I'm going crazy,iv been here for to long..."daddy!" Ok...maybe not.."Daniel?" I yell out."daddyy!" He screams playfully,running towards me.i pick him up and smile.even if it is just he's coloured eyes that are visible it's nice to know....wait.."dan,you ok?" "Daddy bonnie" he says happily."uh..." I mutter,putting him down."follow". He yells,running off.i run behind him and stop at a random mirror."ok this death place is getting ridiculous" I mumble."come threw!" He says happily.i look threw the mirror,putting my hand to it.
"It's not your fault bonnie" Chicas voice suddenly echoes threw the dark."it is!" He yells."daddy! Bathroom mirror" he says.i push on it,nothing...
Is this what spingtrap meant by evil? He can go threw both worlds?...but why?..."daddy?" He asks sadly,tilting he's head."dan go get bonnie!" I say quickly,standing at the mirror.he runs off and only the eary sound of the buzzing darkness is left."dan what do you mean...he's dead ok?!" Bonnie whimpers."daddy! Behind mirror!" He says,running threw it."oh for god sake dan,you broke the mirror" bonnie mutters.
"Bonnie...?" I ask.dan shoves he's hand up against the glass and jumps threw,running around me.
(Ya know how in female toilets they have those mirrors to like..check your skirt or whatever...this is the mirror..)
"Freddy?." He mutters,I nod and whimper.he looks behind me and dan screams,jumping back threw the portal and landing infront of bonnie."FREDDY WATCH OUT" he yells."wh-"
"Your not going back" spingtrap yells from behind us."g..get off me!" He yells."that child is evil" spingtrap mutters,I look up And stare into the mirror."let me go! Live in your own satanic world!" Freddy yells,trying to force me off him.
Oh no...."francine.." I mumble."give him to me,I can finish it" she says evilly,limping over to us."I didn't like you just as much as he did.." I growl,looking up at her."do you have any idea what I had to go threw! I was thrown into a tip with millions of other animatronics there!" She yells."you sure that tip wasnt your home because that's kinda where you belong,slut" I mutter."you chose what you there ya go" spingtrap laughed.freddy growled and tried pushing me off again.
"I don't know what you want but please just let me go for fuck sake" he growls.i look up at spingtrap and he rolls he's eyes."and? Why should I? How many time did you reboot me not to save me but to shut me up of what you were doing behind the groups back!" Springtrap yells."what?..." I mutter,looking back down at him."how many times have you cheated on bonnie,or tried getting rid of foxy or Chica because how much they got on your nerves?..don't act like I don't pick this sorta shit up,I can tell when your attitude changes" he growls.
"Why won't you just let me be...I created you and put you on this world so be thankful" freddy growls."created me...please all you did was put me on this world to do nothing but sit around" spring snaps.
"DADDY" dan screams,running into me and pushing me off him.get him!" Spring yells.i sigh and stand up,chasing the two.
"This isn't bonnies fault...he just wanted to help" I mutter,looking down at freddy."he shouldn't have went after him! Now look what happened!" Foxy growls."GUYS HELP" "bonnie?" I mumble,watching as he slams the door open."IM GOING CRAZY I CAN'T STOP SEEING HIM" "who?..." I ask."KILL ME I CAN'T TAKE IT" "WHAT NO" I squeal,pushing him back.
<slam sound>
"What the fuck was that?!" Foxy yells."whatever it was,that was loud" "DADDY DADDY DADDY" Daniel yells playfully,bolting into the room with a black shadow of a child following him.
(No that was not racist I meant the colour of the shadow not the other way around..)
"Even he's going crazy..." Foxy mutters."it's not that....isn't that a child soul?..." I ask."yeah but who's...freddys gone and he's animatronic form is ruined so that child that was him would've been put to rest unlike ours.." Foxy says."hey do-WHAT THE FUCK" marionette yells."WHY IS THE CHILD SOUL OUT?!" He yells."we don't know! The child soul just came out of no where,following dan" I whimper."ay kid,who do you belong to.." Marionette asks.
The soul spins around dan then rests down near freddy."...for god get me that tool box ill try to fix the wires and see if the soul belongs to him" marionette groans."but..why hasn't the soul been freed yet.." "Freddy is still classified as dead in animatronic mode and the child soul should've still been trapped but what's also keeping the child here is because goldie also has the child's bodies,the souls can't be freed without the body near them so they can pass over peacefully" he says.
"This is gonna be one long repair..."
So tireeeddddd u-u
I haven't slept for like 15 hours............I think
Either way I hope I'm starting to make these few chapters a little more interesting^^
Anyway bai
*facedesks asleep*

Drunk in Love (FreddyxBonnie)
Randomduring the pizzerias holidays,foxy goes out and buys some beer and passes them out to Chica,Bon Bon,marionette,bonnie and freddy but bonnie doesn't like the Idea of drinking.(cover by Orlandofox14)