New animatronic (ch 5)

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Bon bon~

"GUYS" I shout,trying to pull a large crate in threw the door."ay Chica! Help with with this won't you?" I ask,resting against the crate."uhm...sure?" She says softly,putting her drink down."ready? 3...2..." She instantly barges the crat over with force...dam that girls got strength.

"AY CAREFUL" a high-pitched voice yelled from inside the crate."IT'S ALIVE,RUN" Chica squeals,running away and back into the main room."what got into her?" Marionette asks."shh...uh...hello?" I ask softly,using my nail to cut around the edges f the crate."here...maybe this will be easier" marionette said softly,showing me some duck tape."cut those" I quickly snapped the tape in half,stepping back as the top of the crate fell forward.

"Ugh....god...oh hi" a new animatronic stepped out from the crate,flipping some brown hair back."I'm Francine,the new animatronic that was ordered and sent here" 'Francine' said happily,handing over a small receipt."b..but we didn't or-" "I did..." Freddy said softly behind me and marionette.

"But why? We don't need any replacements yet,right?" I say sadly."actually,I don't really's bad enough foxys in such disrepair,bonnies arm is broken off...well in animatronic mode and pretty soon ill be losing sight in my eye also in animatronic mode" he explains."what will happen to you's once you done for? Like bonnie...he's not allowed to go human mode in the pizzerias open times and you can't walk around with glasses on" marionette says."we'll get out out of order,until I can teach Chica who's in the least disrepair how to fix things,well just have to sit out of order and away from trouble"

"Wait...then why did you order her?" I ask,pointing back at francine."because if I go out before my estimated time,ill need someone to take over and francine here will be the new leader once I go" "b..but bonnie...fair enough he's arms gone but that can be easy fixed and then hell be like new....but if you go...hell be broken on the inside" I whimper.

"He's gonna have to live threw it..anyway,francine come with me,we gotta find you somewhere to sleep for tonight" freddy orders.

"Bonnie...he's so sensitive...hell.....-" "I know" I say sadly to marionette."but freddys right...bonnie doesn't have a clue about animatronic things" marionette groans."how did freddys eye go black anyway?" I ask confused."I shouldn't tell...I don't think he'd like anyone else knowing" "else?" "Everyone apart from you and BB know and there's a reason for that"

~~~~hehe flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE WAVES OF WONDER...I NEED SOME SLEEP....

"Don't do the know it will effect you in the future.." Chica groans,"eh...I'm still doing it for now,it freaks The guard out like crazy" freddy says slyly,looking back at Chica.

"ShhH! He's coming!" Foxy yells,changing to animatronic and running over to pirates cove."ahh....I hate this job.." Mike sighs,"come mike,cheer up! It's not that bad...I mean...if. One of us are brave enough to run to the kitchen and start up a pizza we could have free pizza" Jeremy says happily."k,go run to the kitchen...oh and can you make me a sandwich?" "What do I look like? A women?" "We'll..I mean you...I...nevermind" mike growls.

"Ah....Chicas moved! And bonnies gone!" Jeremy screams."your such a baby,Chicas in the kitchen and bonnies in the dining room,and Chica might be making me a sandwich because she's a girl and girls belong in kitchens" mike says."DID DAT BITCH JUST SAY I BELONG IN THE KITCHEN" Chica shouts."don't you?" Bonnie asks.freddy and foxy begin laughing like crazy."fuck you's" Chica growls,running over to the window.

"Freddy please...stop rolling your eyes Chica said it could stay back..." Bonnie whimpers."eh" "lad...don't worry he's learn he's lesson"

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